Copy between floors in DD3

Hi there

I (almost) just bought CC3+ and DD3 as well and i am building a tower, is it possible to copy a part of a floorplan from one level of the tower to another. I can copy to the same floor, but dont know how to get it to the next floor

Thanx a mill for the help


  • LoopysueLoopysue ProFantasy 🖼️ 41 images Cartographer
    edited December 2016
    Hello Sonexias :)

    Welcome to the Profantasy forum.

    We had a thread about this very same thing not too long ago now, so to summarise the situation there are two ways of doing this:

    1. Draw the basic building plan and save it as Floor 1, Floor 2, Floor 3... etc so that you start with all the floors identical,


    2. Use the Edit/Copy tool from the menu, being careful to watch the command line and enter 0,0 (zero comma zero) on your keyboard as the copy origin. Then use the Edit/Paste tool from the menu to paste the copied object into the floor plan where you want the object copied to. In order to place it accurately you then only have to enter 0,0 in response to the request for a paste origin, which will place the pasted object on the destination floor plan in exactly the same place as it is in the source plan.

    If you use the second method you can set up the new map with multiple floor levels that are hyperlinked together in CC3.

    If you use the first method you will have to set up the hyperlinks yourself if you wish to jump between floors as you work, but this is easy enough, and we can give you instructions on how to do it if you get a bit stuck with anything :)

    I hope that helped?
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