Thank you for the information but I really can't use it. There is only one internet service way out here where I live and if you want internet you have to go through them. Sadly, she's paying for 250 gigs of data...aaaand because she has 4 teenagers that love to play online video games, we go through that in about half a month.
Everyone, I am trying to add the Forest fill, but the trees are too big - I really want them to be half as big (ie 0.05, not 0.1). Easy to do for symbols, but cannot work out how to edit the fill - which I have saved as a new fill called 'Terrain, Forest default Decid 0,05'. But there is nothing in the properties where I can tweak the size of the symbols. Any help here?
Ummm.... I don't think I've ever used a symbol fill, so I'm really not the person to ask about that, but aren't there some settings that can be tweaked before you lay it down on the map?
The symbols placed by the forest fill command are placed using the default symbol scale for the map. Go to File -> Drawing Properties and change it, and you should be set.
Still - at least there's only a couple of days left till the end of January