My "Edge of Creation" map

Hello everyone,

Today I thought I would make another map in a sort of Asian style, only this time mix it up a bit with the Annual #103, the Panorama view of a city. There is no reason for this map other than I was bored and wanted to try something. Comments and critiques welcome


  • Well, after looking at the first one I decided to go back and change a few things. But...I'm not gonna tell you what was changed. If you want to know you will just have to compare them ...evil, I know! :P
  • edited December 2016
    And I just noticed that a white line keeps appearing on the top of the border so I tried to make one without the border. I like this one the best I think.
  • Hey, it looks like that child game: Find the 7 differences!
    Up to now, I've only found 3, I clearly lack some training!

    Otherwise, I'd like to make some comments on this map. First, I would never have thought those two styles would merge so well. There is a small discrepancy in sharpness/fuzziness, but it's quite acceptable IMO.
    However, the way the sky is drawn makes it really difficult to read the text at the top left (not that I would be able to read any of it anyway, but I think even a native Chinese speaker would be in great trouble...). And you have two villages with the same name at the right. Is this on purpose?

    You truly are the master of the Empire of the Sun style!
  • Nice blend of styles! I'm a fan of mixing 'em up :) I found two differences, so Gather clearly rolled at Nat 20 Perception to my Crit Fail, lol. And, I agree, the writing on the left is a bit difficult to make out....although i really like the sky. Maybe place a scroll behind the writing? Otherwise, top notch! I really like what you do with this Annual Style. It's inspiring, for sure, as I have a land based on Rokugan from the Oriental Adventures campaign books and I've been toying with map ideas for it.
  • I found all 7 but I cheated.

    The only critique I have is the water color loses so much of the other details.
    Ukiyo-e is very colorful so don't worry about having to many colors. ( I prefer Japanese so I am pretending it is that instead of Chinese. I know nothing of Chinese)

    I would try a version where you add white to the wisps of cloud.
    Also try lose the lines from the back of the text (Hiragana characters) The script itself is beautiful but gets lost.

    One additional detail that could give it that extra punch is add some white to one of the hills. Almost all the pictures I have seen have representation of snow on mountains or hills.

    These are just my opinions and don't mean to take away anything from the great job you have done!
  • @Gathar: Thank you, glad you like it. The two villages are supposed to have the same name in case someone wants to use the map in a game they can claim the name is the same as it refers to the twin villages on each side of the pass. The characters on the left are purposely blurry like that as the map is supposed to represent a greatly aged map that is very hard to read as the writing has faded with age and isn't as sharp and clear as before.

    @Lorelei: Thank you, I'm sure you will do great at making these kind of maps as you get into it. The style can be hard at times but once you get used to it the task becomes much easier. The style always looks better with the sheets and effects turned on though and looks terrible without them.

    @Cobra Mustang: Thank you, and just so you know, it IS Japanese, not Chinese. Normally I use quite a bit of color on my Asian maps but this time around I wanted to limit the colors as the map is supposed to be sort of faded out and some of the color gone. I've got 120 different Ukiyo-E prints from about 20 different artists and most from Hokusai have snow in them but there are a few that do not. This is supposed to represent one of the little known ones without snow. But thank you for the suggestions :)
  • Very nice. I want to go run a game of Bushido.

    One thing you could do language wise if you want something that is Chinese and Japanese in flavor is to use the Togo language. I think that is what it was called it is the common trade language in the old Kara-Tur setting and is a combination of Chinese and Japanese. On of the old Polyheahdron magazine had an article on it along with a small dictionary of words.
  • Thanks jay_NOLA

    I have wanted to use that language in my artwork since I started, but because I am willing to sell my maps if there is a buyer Wizards of the Coast will not allow me to use that font in my work :(

    But you are right, it is the most ideal pseudo Asian font I've seen that can be read by English readers. I suppose if I make some maps for the sole purpose of just having people look at them and never for sale then I could probably use it, though I would still be wary of infringing their copyright.
  • The panorama style works very well with Empire of the Sun. Great blending of themes!
  • The language never had a specific font that I'm aware of. The Forgotten Realm did have specific fonts but the Kara-Tur trade language (common oriental) never had one.

    The guy who wrote the article wanted to create what the common tongue would be in Kara-Tur and created the trade language. It never had an "official" name too as I recall.

    Really wish I still had the article as he spent a good bit of it explain how words are created in Japanese and Chinese and had a dictionary.

    Now if your looking for a good tool to help with doing Japanese language get JiShop. It has free version. I have the fullll version and it is a huge help.
  • Thank you Jay_NOLA. That is wonderful!

    With the languages for the Forgotten Realms, since there is no actual font, there are pics of the letters in the sets I have on PDF from the rpgNOW company. I suppose if I wanted to I could make maps using that font by loading the pics into Gimp, making PNG's out of them, and using them that way, then selling the maps on the Dungeonmaster's Guild, all legal if I do it that way.
  • Jay_NOLAJay_NOLA Traveler
    edited December 2016
    Glad to help.

    A few other little language things you may find helpful for other asian themed projects.

    Mystical writing has its own script. When i was doing research into onmyodo stuff. Some images of ancient mystical Japanese writing used an archaic style script from what I could find and we only have fragments of the writing and it isn't clear. So make your own variation or secret one for ocuult stuff.

    Modern onmyodo depictions and most of the stuff you'll find about it is not going to be accurate and is the result of 20th century depictions of it. (2 in particular) has a font you can get called Wizard Kanji that works well for doing faux oriental mystical stuff.

    A lot of aux oriental writing fonts and ones that can give English and oriental character can look bad when you go to print. (Learned that one a few yeras back, when working on a program book for a convention.)

    Dover has some good clip art books if your looking for Japanese & Chinese art to turn into symbols.

    Translating Japanese and Chinese is a major pain, as some things are not going to translate well at all.

    I did a blog post on translation issues awhile back if you want to know of some of the problems that can frequent things I observed when working on translating a Japanese game into English.

    In case you read the blog post one thing that I didn't spell out is that onimusha could be a warrior demon (A demon soldier) or a a warrior that fights demons. (In the game in the blog post it is a type of demon.)
  • I am really surprised that no one has made either of those fonts. I think they are awesome. The Dwarven one is nice, but I like the Elven one even more. I used to be a hardcore Forgotten Realms collector. I had every game product, novel and comic ever produced. Then 3.5 and 4th editions killed my interest.
  • Oh almost forgot if your looking for a knock off of the Kara-Tur font or some of the old TSR ones and info on the fonts. Check here

    Some of the old Forgotten Realms fonts that were included with the FR Interactive Atlas, and that you can also download online, also don't work on Vista and up due to changes Microsoft made in how font metadata is handled. The Atlas also has problem installing the fonts too on Vista and up so the work. (I covered this in other forum posts on font problems to be aware of in great detail.)
  • Wow, thanks jay_NOLA. I actually own the FR Interactive atlas. I'll have to look into that.

    @ Cobra Mustang: I hope you at least kept all that stuff. It would be a shame to lose it all.
  • Cool little website Jay_NOLA. :-)
  • The FR Atlas has some problems installing on Vista and up like I mentioned. It also has 3 patch files that add over 100 maps. You need to install all 3 of them in order.If you don't have the patches and can't find them let me know Plus you have a CC3 comparability patch to install afterwards.

    I've helped do troubleshooting on the FR Atlas problems in the forum before.

    One other site I can't find again had a lot of good free Asian language fonts.

    Now if you want info on onmyodo or some of the stuff I mentioned in my earlier post, that had the blog link let me know.

    I'm in in a very oriental adventures mood today since TCM is showing Onibaba & Ugetsu latter tonight.

  • I have all my stuff from first edition to the new 5th. They are some of my favored possessions.
  • Ok, thanks again jay_NOLA.

    Good deal cobra mustang. I'm the same. I have tons of stuff from 1st edition ad&d, the gazetteer series of d&d, and the core rulebooks plus a lot of the supplemental books from every edition of the game and even some for pathfinder.
  • WyvernWyvern 🖼️ 234 images Cartographer
    edited December 2016
    Jay_NOLA: The Togo language article is in Polyhedron 51, pages 18-21. A quick search turned up a scanned version on Scribd, which is paid-for to download, but free to just read online - use "Polyhedron 051" to find it.
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