Two fast questions...
1st question : i already created my map. It is a couloured possibile to convert it to a black and white one, without having to start a new map?
2nd question : i ve the CC3 base program. Is possible create a dungeon, a very simple one by CC3, without the dungeon designer add on?
Thank you!
2nd question : i ve the CC3 base program. Is possible create a dungeon, a very simple one by CC3, without the dungeon designer add on?
Thank you!
1. the only way I know how to turn a colour map into a black and white one is after you have rendered the image from it - by using a paint program to totally desaturate it.
2. I drew a dungeon style map (search for "Merelan Observatory") before I had DD3, and although I wouldn't say it was exactly a waste of time, it certainly took about 5 times longer than it would to do it all over again in DD3, now that I have that add-on.
I shold create an underground dungeon...a long digged gallery, with 8 small rooms and 2 BIG...the look outside rooms could be a simple black...
1) using photoshop or similar, you mean...
Tx Loopysue...nice n kind as always...
1. Yes - exactly that. I have a convenient function button in Corel Photopaint that completely desaturates any image in the blink of an eye, but if you are drawing in colour best do a couple of tests to see if what the end result might look like. Contrast between red and green things, for example, tends to completely disappear when the image is reduced to greyscale.
You're welcome
But to add a little to that answer, yes, it is easy to simply convert the image to black and white, but that does not give you the look of a map that was designed with a black and white map style. For that, you can change the style of a map, but it is a lot of work, as it is not a fully automated process.
As for 2, CC3(+) does have a simple dungeon style built in, just select Dungeon map type from the new map wizard. It is limited in fill styles and symbols, but it does the basics.
I recently bought the mapping package and DD3 looks amazing to use and simple. With CC2 I created my own bmp's and added them to the map and filled in addition stuff however I could.
With DD3 you plop down rooms and add in corridors and manipulate them to suit.
Maybe see if you can find a copy of the DD3 essentials handbook to see some of the stuff it's capable of and how it may make your life easier.
I'll try the converion of the map...i'll try the CC3 RGB MP...
then i'll start with the dungeon!!