Update on Terraformer 1.0 Progress - Lots Of New Goodies!!!

As you know I have been away for quite some time - and have recently returned to my home here at Profantasy.

Right now - an immediate family member is seriously ill - and the prognosis does not look rosy. Needless to say - I am going to try to NOT let this get me down - as a prognosis is generally based upon statistics and does not consider mitigating factors - nor is it based upon an individuals own unique strengths - so a doctor's prognosis is often wrong in many cases. I have decided to immerse myself in creative and productive avocations if for no other reason than the therapeutic value - and the cathartic benefits. Hence, therefore, and to-with, on with the show...

I have completed seventy five (75) GIMP brushes in .gbr format for Users to use to modify the cloud maps. I am thinking about bundling copies of GIMP itself with the kit in 32 and 64 bit flavors - but am unsure about what impact this will have on file size and also if the GIMP license agreement would permit that. I am creating 200 new cloud maps plus 200 additional maps that are their greyscale inverse for a total of 400 original maps. I may or may not include public domain acquired Earth cloud maps that I obtained and included in T0.5, or a few other NASA planetary cloud maps as well.

The GIMP brush pack will be included with T1.0 - as well as the greyscale brush images should you want to make photoshop brushes, or brushes for some other preferred app. Below is an image of a test that I ran using the new Global Cloud Map brushes:


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