What the heck did I do now?!?

So I've started a new map for the CG Sept/Oct Lite mapping challenge. I'm mapping the Garden of Eden.

The Garden was supposedly in the arid desert near Africa and Egypt... so I am using lighter colors, and some of the rocky cliffs I think are part of cc3+, Sue used the ligher version for her MC map.

Well, I was putting my 'ground cover' over my first layer of cliffs... using the Dirt 1 Bitmap T, because I wanted some of the rock of the cliff to show through the sand of my first layer. I laid out the ground cover, added the effects, then rendered it out so I could take a look at it. I realized I had put the sand out too far, so I went back and hit the undo. Only it didn't work. I checked my sheets, realized I had the sheet wrong, and deleted the sheet to restart it.

Well, something went wonky, and now my dirt 1 bitmap T is white, with the transparency.

What the heck did I do?!? And more importantly, how do I fix it?!?

Here is my fcw to show the problem. There isn't any outside stuff yet, just imported bitmap fills, but this is a cc3+ version.


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