Pan and zoom in CC3+

(Please, if I could have searched and found the answer to the following question, please respond with the proper search terms. I am usually pretty good at searching forums, but I am at a loss here.)

I am very new to Campaign Cartographer and still learning. One thing I have not been able to figure out is a way to pan the drawing using the mouse.

By panning, I mean scrolling the map to a different location without zooming it. I realize that CC is not the same as other graphical programs, but I seem to remember (twenty-five years ago) being able to pan the drawing I was working on in AutoCAD, and it was mentioned in the tutorial that CC is more like CAD than anything else. I am hoping that using the scroll bars is not the only way, but would appreciate knowing if that is, indeed, the case so I can get accustomed to doing so.

CC3+ appears to be a most excellent program for my purposes (RPG mapping), but this is frustrating me to no end. Surely there is a way!




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