Cosmographer 3 New Feature Demo
Simon Rogers
Administrator, ProFantasy Traveler
Here is an informal video demo of a new Cosmographer 3 feature we've been working on. The original drawing came from Ralf, and I suggested a method by which star systems could be added; Peter Olsson the programmer came up with something more intutituve: using the symbol catalog to add the star systems. I'm sure we can make use of the code in Perspectives 3, too, and we'll add these new height symbols as a generic feature.
Uhm, can I use known star data and add them at the correct height above/below the galactic ecliptic ? correct distance from our solar system ? Add gaseous nebula 'polys' to an area as a 3-D object ?
Years, lost to some move years ago, I did have 2-D graph paper for a series of star systems, but the paper didn't show up/below the galactic ecliptic. I used enough graph paper to take up a 20 foot wide and 10 foot high wall in my then house. Yes, lost years ago.
The video is fine.
(and it would be nice to see a new version of Fractal Terrains sometime). Could measurements be given in parsecs as well
as light-years?
My greatest concern is as a Traveller player, so please excuse me if I focus on low-level, 2-D stuff Traveller players have needed
for quite a while now.
As a roleplayer (and very neophyte CC3/Cosmographer user), there are three sets of mapping software that I use:
* Elv's Gal2CC converter: converts Jim's Gal 2.4 files to CC2 maps, via a script
found at
* NBOS Software's 3-D Astrosynthesis 2.0 mapping software (commercial) - I use the GURPS plugin for these systems
* Jim Vassilakos' old-but-reliable Galactic 2.4 mapping software (public domain) - built for Traveller
It would be appreciated if a way can be found to import Astrosynthesis data into Cosmographer 3
But even more important to me is an easy way to build and manipulate Traveller subsector and sector maps.
I would like to be easily able to not only make sector and subsector maps, but also to make such maps at arbitrary dimensions. I.e.
* a two subsector by two subsector map (called a quadrant)
* a two x two sector map (called a domain in Traveller-speak)
* a five-subsector by one-subsector 'long map' (for long stellar journeys)
* an (n-number) by (n-number) sector map (for big, big maps)
Data for these maps would be generated by Galactic 2.4 software.
(Something that is not provided by Galactic 2.4, but would be appreciated, is support for borders
and for additional 'zones' - not just Red and Amber, but Blue (an old zone) or any arbitrary set of
zones, bases, starports, and other system phenomena the Referee may want to make)
Also, if I could easily cut up a big map to smaller pieces, I would be very thankful!
Especially useful would be an easy way to 'cut out' a six-hex chunk out of a Traveller sector/subsector/other
map, and print it out separately for player use.
Finally, let me stress the word *easy* again I am glad for the sophistication CC3 provides to serious game mappers.
But many Traveller referees just want to be able to quickly print up a set of space maps for a given data set and dimension
(in hexes, subsectors, or sectors). A quick, easy way to do this would be greatly appreciated in the Traveller community,
by developers, game referees and players!
Thank you for hearing me out!
(more for inspiration than anything else)