Alenhold - Commissioned WIP



  • edited September 2017
    Have you tried adjusting the Saturation for the desert? Maybe up the Sat to dull it down a bit? what fill is that?
  • Heya LadieStorm! Welcome back to the world of the computing! LOL
    Posted By: LadieStormI originally thought that I would just go in, and widen that area using the land editing tool, but it didn't work. Every time I tried to click on the coast line, to begin the edit, my cursor jumped out and picked a node that was out in the ocean to the right of that coast. That is probably because I removed the outline edging from the land mass, once I fractalized it. So, what I ended up doing, was widening the line that made up that river.
    I've had this exact same thing happen after changing the properties of a landmass. Use the change like draw tool command on the landmass to change it back to what it was originally, then edit it. You can always eliminate any outlines or make other changes back to how you had it.
    When I originally made that river line, I attached it to the coast, not a problem. But now that I have widened that line, the end of that line juts out into the sea, and it just doesn't look right to me. I've tried to move the node that causes that line to branch out at the end... but no such luck. I even hid every sheet but the one that the river is on, and I still can't select the end of the river to move the node. But I don't want to leave it like it is, either.
    Have you checked to make sure it isn't on a frozen layer? You could try trimming the line to the correct length also.
  • @ Monsen, no, I don't have snap on. I very rarely use snap.

    @ Lorelei, it's one of the CD3 earth fills. I couldn't use the Herman Weilink dessert fill, because of the redundancy issue. That is an extremely large dessert, and raising the redundancy on the HW fill pixelizes it. So I improvised :) I also layered the fill, spreading it out between 8 different sheets, with a different inner edge fade on each sheet. I had to do that so that the little peninsula had the correct amount of dessert coverage, but still had the gradual ending, instead of a sharp cut off. The rolling dunes look was an unexpected side effect.

    I've never worked with the Saturation.... that may be something for me to take a look at.

    @ Shessar, LOL!!! Yes, it's good to be back. No, my rivers aren't on a frozen layer... I already checked that. I may improvise and turn it into a waterfall. I haven't decided yet :).
  • LoopysueLoopysue ProFantasy 🖼️ 40 images Cartographer
    edited September 2017
    If all else fails hide everything but the sheet with the entity you wish to edit on it, and try again then with the edit tool. Then you can't possibly pick anything but the entity itself. You can only possibly pick the wrong node on the right entity.

    Looking great, and glad to see you back, Storm :)
  • DogtagDogtag Moderator, Betatester Traveler
    edited September 2017
    LadieStorm wrote:The client asked me to widen the 'river' that went from the Grinning Sea (that massive body of water in the middle of the continent) to the eastern coast. They wanted the Grinning Sea to be more of, well, an inland sea. I originally thought that I would just go in, and widen that area using the land editing tool, but it didn't work. Every time I tried to click on the coast line, to begin the edit, my cursor jumped out and picked a node that was out in the ocean to the right of that coast. That is probably because I removed the outline edging from the land mass, once I fractalized it.
    I'm pretty sure that you can actually use any drawing tool that has an Edit command to edit any other editable entity, so long as the entity you're editing is on the same sheet as the one used by the drawing tool. I just did a quick experiment to confirm. I drew a landmass with a fractal land tool, deleted the coast outline, and then edited the landmass with the straight land tool. So, the issue is likely something else.
    LadieStorm also wrote:... what I ended up doing, was widening the line that made up that river. That has led me to a different issue.

    When I originally made that river line, I attached it to the coast, not a problem. But now that I have widened that line, the end of that line juts out into the sea, and it just doesn't look right to me. I've tried to move the node that causes that line to branch out at the end... but no such luck. I even hid every sheet but the one that the river is on, and I still can't select the end of the river to move the node. But I don't want to leave it like it is, either.
    When you say the line juts out, do you mean the line no longer connects to the coast and goes out into the ocean, or do you mean the wider corner juts out because the line of the river curves at the very end?

    If the problem is because the river is wider (as opposed to "longer") then I can only think of a couple solutions, though others might see more or better ones.
    1. Narrow the river until the end no longer juts out.
      This is probably not really an option though, given the direction from your client.
    2. Move the river node so it is perpendicular to the coast where it connects, rather than at an angle.
      You already mentioned trying to move the node but cited difficulty in picking the last node. Did you use the Endpoint modifier [CC3 Button Image]? I find that usually helps me.
    3. Try editing the landmass again.
      Zoom in close, hide all sheets except the land sheet and the sheet the river is on, and then give it another try. If you're still having trouble, try the On modifier [CC3 Button Image] and see if that helps.
    4. Delete the river and draw a polygon instead.
      You can use the TRACE command at the coast.
    5. If all else fails, cover up the jutting corner with a small sea-fill poly.
      Even this has it's own challenges though, given what looks like a glow around the landmass.
    Like I said, there are probably other options but those are just the ones I could think of right now.

    If the problem is that the river is actually longer, and the Endpoint modifier trick doesn't help, you can split the river where it intersects the landmass, using our trusty Intersecton modifier [CC3 Button Image], and then delete the part hanging out in the ocean.

    Good luck! :D

  • well, here is my next update... I haven't done much, but I did finally figure out the hue/saturation, and changed the look of that massive desert. I think this looks a lot better, but I certainly welcome other opinions!
  • The desert looks sooooo much better! Excellent work on that! You see, the Hue/Sat is your friend when you can't find just the right fill color - make your own :)

    One thing though.....that river coming out of Eban Lake....It just doesn't sit right with me. The direction around that mountain range just seems very unnatural. Now, i have a very large river within one of the continents of my own homebrew world that was created unnaturally as a result of a magic cataclysm - practically fracturing the continent (think of california and the san andreas fault filled with water).....So if there is some strange reason that river should flow that way for your client's novel, then im sure the explanation is a good one....otherwise its more than likely the river would flow through the hills than around a great mountain range which would more than likely have a higher elevation than hills? Or what within the forest is causing the river to flow unnaturally along side a range rather than leading from it?

    Your use of the HW style is wonderful. I also really like your choice of font - did you bevel it, as well? Looks super nice - but maybe increase the glow behind the text over the range to make it pop a some? It's a bit difficult for these old eyes to make out :)

    Just my two cents :)
  • Hey Lorelei!

    I have no idea why that river runs the way it does, but that's what the client specified, so that's the way I ran it. :) Although I believe that area up there is actually a higher elevation... the land ends in cliffs up there, where as on the other side it's at sea level, so that may be the reason why the river went that way.

    Yes, I do have a bevel on the text, and there is a glow there as well.... but perhaps I should increase it a bit. I did notice the town/city names seem to blend into the background too much.
  • This looks great. I really like how you tweaked you desert. The adjust Hue/Saturation effect really is a powerful tool.:)

    The only thing I would change, besides the river Lorelei pointed out, is the scale of the scrub land texture. The bushes seem to be a bit large in comparison to the mountains/rocks.

    Anyway, all in all great work with the HW Style:)
  • I can't change the river, that's the way the client wants it... this is a commission map.

    I've been thinking about the scrub area, but I have to be careful about the redundancy issue. This is actually a rather large map, I will have to consider how to balance that out. :)
  • LoopysueLoopysue ProFantasy 🖼️ 40 images Cartographer
    I don't think there's much of a redundancy problem with the scrub area at all.

    Has the client commented on it?
  • He loves what I've done so far... I probably will lower the size of the scrub a bit, the fill does look a little big in comparison to everything else.
  • JimPJimP 🖼️ 280 images Departed Legend - Rest in Peace
    Yes, the shrubbery looks a bit two level, and higher than the adjacent mountains.
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