Blending Mountain Ranges
In my world map, I have a section of mountains where in the north they will be grey and white, then it transitions to green, and near the equator, transitions again to desert.
What is the best way to blend the changing climates with the mountains as they run south?
What is the best way to blend the changing climates with the mountains as they run south?
several white hills/mountain areas.
then the a row or two of white and green.
Then rows of green.
Then a row or two of green and a desert area.
Then more of the desert area.
Just placing the last gren row along part of the desert area would work.
So it would look like
green,white,green, green,
green, green,green,green
green,desert fill,green, desert fill,
brown hill, desert fill, brown hill, desert fill
desert fill, desert fill, desert fill, desert fill.
Thats the general idea.
I did something similar for my first draft of the Valley of the Fire Giants.
The hills gradually went from white to black, but the Mountains stayed the same grey in this one.
The blend came out very well.
In that case though, the mountains did not need to be changed.
I may also make changes in areas where there is a mountain pass, or where one range ends and another starts creating that fairly abrupt change that Dogtag suggested.
I will have to experiment some.
Thanks again! :-)