Map Style Converting

hello everyone :) i have one question i want to ask.

i created a world but im not sure about if the style of the whole map is right so i thougt about that i maybe convert the map in a new style. is it possible to change the style of a whole map in CC3+? and how do i do that?

it would be nice if you answer me :)


  • JimPJimP 🖼️ 280 images Departed Legend - Rest in Peace
    I use more than one style for overland maps. I typically start it one style, and use symbols from other styles.

    The background fills are easy to change, just insert a map from a style you like, and then go to the Edit Menu and Select Undo.

    That will remove the map you just inserted, but leave the bitmap fills still there in the Fill Style, Bitmap fills selector.

    Go to the FS: window and click on it.

    Then click on bitmap fills tab.

    Select a bitmap fill you want to change to. Click okay.

    Go to the left side of CC3= and right click Change Properties. Select Change Fill style.

    Then select the background. Right Click, selct menu item Do it.

    Click on FS: make sure the bitmap fill you selected is the one showing.

    Click okay.

    Your background is now using the new bitmap fill.

    As for symbols, I just browse around in the symbol folder until I locate a symbol set I might ant to use. I load it. Then select a symbol I want on the map. CC3+ will likely load the previous symbol set as that is the one associated with that template.

    Just go back again to the symbol set you wanted to use and reload it. Pick the symbol you want and place it in the map.

    Effects, I don't use them so I don't know how to change those out.
  • MonsenMonsen Administrator 🖼️ 81 images Cartographer
    edited August 2016
    One of the tricks when changing styles is the 'Change as draw tool' command, found by right clicking the change properties button. This allows you to convert an entity drawn using a drawing tool to the style of another drawing tool. To use this properly, copy your entities to a new map of the appropriate style, then use this command to turn them into the correct style for the new map.
  • JimPJimP 🖼️ 280 images Departed Legend - Rest in Peace
    I never noticed that command before, thanks Monsen !
  • LoopysueLoopysue ProFantasy 🖼️ 41 images Cartographer
    There seems to be no end to all the handy little details built into this software ;)
  • MonsenMonsen Administrator 🖼️ 81 images Cartographer
    @JimP: You're welcome.

    @Loopysue: If there are, I haven't found it yet :)
  • LoopysueLoopysue ProFantasy 🖼️ 41 images Cartographer
    I've been using CC3+ and add ons for about 4 months(?), and I still learn at least one new thing every day. Compared to other pieces of software, including Vue and CorelDraw, which are 'spent' from my point of view after a couple of months at most, CC3+ is turning into a bottomless engineer's toolbox, to their thimble tray and pin cushion!
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