Posted By: LadieStormI have a much larger jpeg up at the Cartographer's Guild.
Great. I'll look at that. I'm still not caught up with everything that happened in the Internet while I was gone. I've been pretty busy since I've been back. Today it was our village's turn to put on a summer vacation program for our township's schoolkids. It's a program that my wife and I really enjoy, so we're deep in the middle of it every year. Today it ran from noon until 7 p.m., so it's been another day when time has been short.
I'm in with the professionals on this challenge, so I have to pull out all the stops!
Well, you're in the league where you belong then! I'm absolutely confident that you and Lorelei and Sue can compete with anyone at the guild. Go to it! Onward and upward!
Thank you! They turned out really great... and I especially like the fact that the one on the left is already transparent, I didn't have to do anything to it! The one on the right, of course, has a transparency added to it, so you can see inside.
Behold the Collegium Arcanus, with it's Rite of Passage!!!
Thank you to everyone who contributed to this. It was a major learning experience!!!
Oh, and if you want to see it in larger detail, this is where you can see a zoomable version:
You'll have to open in a new tab, hotlinks have been disabled.