New Buyer - which bundle to buy?

I've seen a couple of "potential buyer" threads when browsing the forum, and I've seen a great community answering them all patiently. Therefore I hope this thread will get some replies too :).

I'm sitting here, credit card in hand, and can't make up my mind. Should I go for the World Builder, should I look at the Fantasy Mapper, or should I just buy the 3-app bundle and add some symbol sets?

Easy questions right? You know all about my ambitions and ideas, so I don't need to clarify anything, right?

Or.. I could tell you what I want to do. :)

I have several project ideas and at the moment they're all rather small scale. I'm a city/village mapper, and want to be able to map both real areas (I do genealogy and would like to map a small village from the late 19th century) and fantasy areas for stories I write, and roleplaying games I play. The roleplaying games, however, are not strictly fantasy. I play modern day, Victorian, and sci fi. At some point, mapping a larger scale map with multiple cities on it will be of interest.

My choices are:

1) World Builder (but I'm not certain I need Fractal Terrains)
2) Fantasy Builder (but do I need Character Artist and Dioramas?)
3) Top Three + Floorplans and Overland Symbol sets (and maybe even modern?)

I'm also curious as to which annuals might be useful with my above preferences. I would absolutely love some Western symbol sets (Deadlands).

Looking forward to any replies you can give me.

Oh, and a P.S., I'm running a Macbook Pro with Parallells on which I've got Windows XP. Will XP be sufficient or do I need to upgrade to Windows 7, 8 or 10?


  • I would start off with Top Three plus some symbol sets to start with. As far as Annuals I don't believe they are available for CC3+ before 2015 or maybe 2014 (although they said they are working on the older Annuals or so I've heard)
  • a) Fractal Terrains makes worlds. Some folks here then edit those worlds in FT3. I'm one of those folks who export the png from FT3, import it into CC3, and trace a map using the png as a guide. Either way works.

    b) You can make worlds without FT3, but its faster with FT3.

    c) not much in the way of sf symbols; however, 3 of the annuals have bitmap fills for High Space and can be used for any map. Two of them are the same year. Annuals have to be purchased by the year. Even if you may not at first see a need for all 12 issues of each annual, some of us have found uses for them. For ideas alone I think they are worth it. I use the Annual issues of old B&W maps for 'early maps found by adventurers'. And color maps for the current game world.

    d) CC3 uses a maximum of 2 gigs and doesn't use the video card. I ran CC2 on XP, but I was on Vista when CC3 came out, so I don't know if it works under XP or not.

    e) I suggest making large maps, then making small areas detailed on separate maps. I started about 10 years ago making small maps, and then tried to progress up to continent size maps. I tried off and on for years, it was likely possible, but I had no luck at it. So I scrapped around 2000 overland maps, and used FT3 to output two large pngs. One for the southern and one for the northern hemisphere of Crestar. I also use FT3 to make Traveller worlds. I'm at 1039 of them so far.

    f) the symbol sets are good. Look around the forums for the Vintyri project pngs. Gigabytes of free symbols.

    g) I don't remember any Victorian symbols, but I've made mistakes before this. Most Profantasy symbols are Middle Ages Europe types. There are Traveller starship and overland symbols.

    Crest of a Star


    my Traveller site
  • Fantastic replies. This feels like a great community.

    I will most likely do what Lorelei suggested though, and start with the Top Three after all. However, your post has made me very curious about Fractal Terrains, Jim, and your suggestion regarding working inwards rather than outwards makes sense, but I feel like maybe I should take a few steps at a time :).

    Once I feel comfortable with designing villages and towns, I might end up buying Fractal Terrains for new projects.

    Jim, when you say you make detailed separate maps - is it possible to link between the two somehow? Or is that done post production when you publish on the web or whatever format you use?
  • MonsenMonsen Administrator 🖼️ 51 images Cartographer
    edited July 2016
    CC3 and CC3+ should both run on XP. Do note that some system folder names changed after Windows XP, so you need to be aware of that. For example, many people will refer to your ProgramData folder (c:\programdata), where CC3+ keeps most of it's stuff, but under XP this is actually c:\documents and settings\all users (Both can be localized if you don't run english windows). No practical difference, but since most people uses CC3(+) under newer versions of Windows, they are often only familiar with the path there and will refer to that. Also note that XP didn't have UAC so all troubleshooting tips regarding right clicking on the installer and do run as Administrator can be ignored (You'll still need to be logged into the admin account to do installation).

    Also, you mention you want to make city/village maps. No matter what kinds of maps you wish to create, I highly recommend that you work through the tutorials in the manual accompanying the program first, even if you do not plan on making overland maps, as they teach you the basic skills needed for any kind of map.
  • Yes, you can link maps together; however, since I'm posting mine on a web site, I link them by using either html or a form of links available in the cms textpattern.

    So basically i have a country entrance page. Linked at the top of that page, and all pages of that country, are links for cities, and any adventures areas in that country.


    1) country 2) city 1 3) city 2 4) village 1 5) castle 6) dungeon by the river 7) dungeon in the mountain.

    And each of those are links to the pages with details and maps.

    Since my Traveller site is still planets and no adventure areas yet, the Crestar site would show the linking method I've exampled above.
  • Thanks everyone for your input. I just purchased the top three + the Tome. Will absolutely follow the tutorials to get started, even if it's overland. I will also download some of the Vintyri project stuff as soon as I've gone through the basics.

    Thanks again for all your replies.
  • DogtagDogtag Moderator, Betatester Traveler
    edited July 2016
    I'm late to the party but welcome to CC3 and the ProFantasy forums, enthused.

    The "top three" are a fantastic bundle and will let you make amazing cities, towns, and villages. I think you'll find the Tome purchase to be invaluable. Keep in mind that it is still the CC3 edition of the Tome and has not yet been updated for CC3+ (the project is in the works). So, if you're using CC3+ and notice something isn't quite the same as described in the Tome just keep that in mind. However, the usage differences between CC3 and CC3+ are pretty minimal* and the Tome will provide you volumes of valuable instruction, tips, and information.

    Happy mapping!

    * CC3+ does have some new features but, mostly, it's strengths are improved performance, slight enhancements over CC3 (like the ability to work with effects on almost as easily as with them off), and some behind-the-scenes stuff to improve compatibility with newer versions of Windows. And some fantastic bundled mapping styles! Mustn't forget those.
  • RobPappinRobPappin Traveler
    I am very new to this world of mapping and excited to get into it. I just purchased the top three bundle along with the CC3+ which comes with it. Everything was fine until I tried to install the City Designer for CC3+ and it tells me I must have a current install of this for it to install. Have I missed something? All else went perfectly and if someone has a suggestion to get this to work I would be most appreciative. Cheers...Rob
  • DogtagDogtag Moderator, Betatester Traveler
    Hi RobPappin,

    Welcome to CC3 and the ProFantasy forums.

    Before you install City Designer for CC3+ perhaps you need to install the latest update for CC3+ first. I believe that's CC3+ Update 6, which you should be able to download from your registration page.

    I hope that helps,
  • RobPappinRobPappin Traveler
    Hi Dogtag...oh right, that is one of the many files I downloaded when I bought the software. I will install the update and and then retry the City Designer. I will let you know how it goes. Thanks a million!
  • DogtagDogtag Moderator, Betatester Traveler
    edited July 2016
    You might also want to disable any antivirus software you're running before installing any ProFantasy software (sometimes there are conflicts which can cause problems). Also, run the setup program by right-clicking it and then choosing "Run as Administrator" from the pop-up menu (if it's an option). Doing both of those can help avoid some common installation problems. Personally, now I just do it whenever I install anything from ProFantasy.

    And, of course, don't forget to re-enable your antivirus software after you're done installing stuff.

  • RobPappinRobPappin Traveler rock! Installed the update then the City Designer for CC3+ and all is working as it should. Thanks so much for the help! Now let the design fun begin!
    Have an awesome day...Rob
  • DogtagDogtag Moderator, Betatester Traveler
    Woo-hoo! Glad to help!   image

    Happy mapping!
  • edited July 2016
    I had a similar experience as RobPappin did, but the instructions said that I had to start CC3+ once before I installed the add-ons, and I had missed that. Once I had started CC3+ once, I guess the path to the main software is registered somewhere, the CD-installer ran just fine.
  • DogtagDogtag Moderator, Betatester Traveler
    Ah. That makes sense.
  • Yeah, Windows is funny about pathing.
  • RobPappinRobPappin Traveler
    # enthused...I had to do the same thing a couple of times. It reminds me of trying to install forge in minecraft. It is a quirk of software sometimes that you seem to have to run something, exit, then restart in order for certain upgrades or updates to work. The additional content is of amazing quality. Playing now and loving it!
  • RobPappinRobPappin Traveler
    Another quirk here...I cannot SEE my Sheets and Effects button, but when I click where it is supposed to be (beside the speed settings button) the menu pops up. I can even right click in the blank space and bring up the context menu. Any ideas on how to ACTUALLY see the button? Again, I can click where it is supposed to be and it works, just can't see the actual button.
    Cheers, Rob
  • LoopysueLoopysue ProFantasy 🖼️ 40 images Cartographer
    edited July 2016
    Posted By: RobPappinAnother quirk here...I cannot SEE my Sheets and Effects button, but when I click where it is supposed to be (beside the speed settings button) the menu pops up. I can even right click in the blank space and bring up the context menu. Any ideas on how to ACTUALLY see the button? Again, I can click where it is supposed to be and it works, just can't see the actual button.
    Cheers, Rob
    The exact same thing has happened to me just recently, and you're right, Rob, it does still work, even though its invisible. Your more clever than I am, see. I hadn't even thought to click the empty space :-) Having done so, however, I can also confirm that it works again if you right click it (or the lack of it). I can't really do a reinstall at the moment - not now that I've been set up for the Vintyri Collection Beta Test (at least I don't think I can). Do either of you brainy chaps (JimP/Dogtag) have any idea what might be causing this?
  • DogtagDogtag Moderator, Betatester Traveler
    You may want to try running the update again by right-clicking the setup file and choosing "Run as Administrator" to execute it. Remember to run the correct update for the product. Currently, CC3 has Update 11. CC3+ has Update 6.

    Can't guarantee anything, but past forum posts indicate that re-running the Update one or two times can sometimes fix stuff like that.

  • LoopysueLoopysue ProFantasy 🖼️ 40 images Cartographer
    I can't do that, I don't think. I have special menu bars all over the place owing to being part of the Vintyri Beta test. do you have any suggestions for me?
  • DogtagDogtag Moderator, Betatester Traveler
    edited July 2016
    Well, to be honest, I was replying to RobPappin, but I'm sorry to learn you're experiencing this problem too, Loopy. I'm sure you can do this though. ;-)

    I don't personally use the CSUAC or Vintyri collections, so it's not an issue for me. Sorry! Hopefully someone from PF or someone else who does use third-party tools will chime in with more info for you.

    You're going to need to run later updates anyway. Best to find out now. I'm pretty sure another CC3+ Update is coming really soon.
  • Have you tried running CC3MenuConfig.exe ?
  • LoopysueLoopysue ProFantasy 🖼️ 40 images Cartographer
    I'd better ask Vintyri before I do anything. He's written me a whole series of rather special menu files, and there's a lot more than just CSUAC on my machine. I have all the Bogie and DundJinni stuff as well - the entire Vintyri Collection that's due to be release to everyone by the end of the month. When you get it you will have a nice little install program that does all the hard work, whereas I've been doing it manually according to Vintyri's instructions, bit by bit. I REALY don't want to have to spend hours and hours repairing it all, just because I can't see a button.

    I was hoping you might have turned 'round and said I just had a setting wrong somewhere, but don't worry. I can cope without the button. I know where it used to be, and that's all that matters right now. Thanks for trying to help :)
  • RobPappinRobPappin Traveler
    Posted By: DogtagYou may want to try running the update again by right-clicking the setup file and choosing "Run as Administrator" to execute it. Remember to run the correct update for the product. Currently, CC3 has Update 11. CC3+ has Update 6.

    Can't guarantee anything, but past forum posts indicate that re-running the Update one or two times can sometimes fix stuff like that.

    Dogtag, once again you have proven that you know this program extremely well. Ran the Update 6 as Administrator and BAM...the button appeared! Thanks again for helping out this newcomer to rocked it again!
  • RobPappinRobPappin Traveler
    Posted By: Loopysue
    Posted By: RobPappinAnother quirk here...I cannot SEE my Sheets and Effects button, but when I click where it is supposed to be (beside the speed settings button) the menu pops up. I can even right click in the blank space and bring up the context menu. Any ideas on how to ACTUALLY see the button? Again, I can click where it is supposed to be and it works, just can't see the actual button.
    Cheers, Rob
    The exact same thing has happened to me just recently, and you're right, Rob, it does still work, even though its invisible. Your more clever than I am, see. I hadn't even thought to click the empty space :-) Having done so, however, I can also confirm that it works again if you right click it (or the lack of it). I can't really do a reinstall at the moment - not now that I've been set up for the Vintyri Collection Beta Test (at least I don't think I can). Do either of you brainy chaps (JimP/Dogtag) have any idea what might be causing this?
    Hi Loopysue..Rob here. I ran the update as Dogtag suggested and now I can see and use the Sheets and Effects button and see it. Your situation sound pretty different in the sense that you don't want to mess up what you have. If it is any help, I ran the update as Administrator and choose the "Repair" option to run the update. Hope you can find a fix for your predicament.
  • LoopysueLoopysue ProFantasy 🖼️ 40 images Cartographer
    Glad to know everything is repaired for you now Rob. I will have to wait a time zone now before I can ask Vintyri if its ok for me to do the same ;)
  • RobPappinRobPappin Traveler
    My esteemed fellow mappers...I purchased SS4 BEFORE I purchased CC3+ and now I am wondering how to get the Dungeons of Schley to work in CC3+. I saw somewhere else on the forums that you can copy the symbol set from one version to another and it will work. Does anyone know how I can get this done? I have never mucked around inside the file structure before and I am cautious about just jumping in and giving it a try. Any help or reference would be awesome.
  • DogtagDogtag Moderator, Betatester Traveler
    edited July 2016
    No need for any file system legerdemain. There's a separate download for SS4 for CC3+ available from your registration/download page.
  • RobPappinRobPappin Traveler
    Posted By: DogtagNo need for any file system legerdemain. There's a separate download for SS4 for CC3+ available from your registration/download page.
    I didn't know that came with the download. Thanks very much Dogtag for pointing me, once again, in the right direction. Up and running now in CC3+ with SS4! Wooohooo!
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