Janfaer Foxwild & Glorigunn Battlefair - my rpg characters come to life!

So...once again, thank you ProFantasy for contributing to the downfall of my savings account :) After purchasing Character Artist 3 for CC3+ I finally installed it last night. This morning i've finished up my first creations - my two characters i play in online text sessions. Next....I'll be working on key characters in my homebrew campaign. I'll share them with you all on my Obsidian Portal site which is the link to all things Namari and the lands on it my players will be adventuring on for years to come! Anyway...I give you:

Janfear "Janni" Foxwild, Gnome Druid, Circle of the Moon and Glorigunn "Glory" Battlefair, Dwarf Cleric of Auril


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