Missing and broken Varicolor Symbols in CA3

I'm trying to create characters in Character Artist 3, and am having some trouble. There appears to be some broken (and maybe also some missing) varicolor symbols. Does anyone have a fix for these issues (or know how to do a fix)?

Specifically, I'm trying to create a male snakeman character, using a different color other than the default (red). The body, arms, and legs all look fine, when I select the varicolor symbols. But when I go to do the head, one of the symbols doesn't seem right. There are three choices: the primary (non-varicolor version), the version that shades the entire head with the varicolor, and the version that shades the eyes with the varicolor. However, the one that is supposed to do the full head doesn't actually use my selected color. Instead, it appears locked into using a charcoal-grey color. None of the other monster heads have this problem (their varicolor versions work as expected). Also, the female version of the snakeman works as expected. Does someone have a fix for this, or know how to fix it?

Also, I noticed that I can't find a cyclops eye for the male monsters. But when I click on the female versions of the symbols, cyclops eyes shows up. Playing around with the selected symbols, I can find a male dwarf cyclops eye set, but nothing for the other "races". Are there some missing symbols regarding this? If so, has anyone created versions of these?


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