Dwarven Mines map 1

So, ive been a bit busy prepping for a new job, so i haven't spent much time making any new maps for my or any other campaign. However, i have an addiction :) So, instead in the little spare time i had this week, i finished up furnishing and making last minute touchups to the first of the 2 Dwarven mines maps.

So this what used to be an old Dwarven Mine at the base of Mt Twilight. It has been abandoned for centuries and has been frequent place for adventurers to seek out any long lost riches of the Dark Dwarves of Twilight (whose ancestors now reside in a kingdom deeper in Mt Twilight). It seems, however, that Duskforge is no longer abandoned, and a cult of T'Enebris, the God of Destruction, have taken up residence. While this normally wouldn't be an issue in the realm of Vane, as even Gods of Dark are worshiped with impunity, some local residents have gone missing, and it has been rumored for ages that The Iconoclasts (priests of the god) must make a blood sacrifice upon induction into the priesthood. This worries the local lords and ladies of the nearby settlements. Perhaps YOUR band of adventurers would like to investigate the Duskforge Mines? - High res link below.



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