Vastins Battlemaps
I am working on some battlemaps to test the capabilities of Dungeons Designer 3 plus with SS4
First i've tried bevel lightning for hills and i hope it looks better than the hill for the tower map
I hope you fiinde and recognize the cave entrance
greetings vastin
I am working on some battlemaps to test the capabilities of Dungeons Designer 3 plus with SS4
First i've tried bevel lightning for hills and i hope it looks better than the hill for the tower map
I hope you fiinde and recognize the cave entrance
greetings vastin
I think I found your cave entrance, it's sort of in the middle and looks like it has brown dirt on the floor of the cave. It's a little hard to see.
Just one small thing.. your shadows are sort of throwing me off. your bush shadows are really long, and there are almost no shadows to your trees. Shouldn't that be the other way around? bushes, being closer to the ground, aren't going to throw as long a shadow as a tree, which stands taller.
Just my two cents
you see the color of the gras in the left upper corner (the smaller trees) these lighter spots
i am not really happy about the cave entrance but i haven't got a better idea of drawing it some suggestions?
One thing you might consider, and I will be honest, I have NO idea how to do it... but your cave entrance... I've never seen one so straight before. I wonder if there is a way to turn that more into a crevice? Maybe a little more rounded? Or fractalize the sides so it doesn't look like it was deliberately cut into the side of the cliff....
Listen to me.... long in vision, lacking in know how. I don't know if I'm really helping any....
thank you for sharing your thoughts with me
the problem is:
hill side is created with bevel ligh. and the entrance have to fit in
i'll try to create some natural looking entrance
lighter shadows ^^
I'm sorry but I have some issues understanding your map... Is the left part supposed to be higher than the right part, with the strangely coloured part being a cliff?
Yes the left side of the map is a hill.
I'm trying to find the best way to draw hills with cc3+ (best way for me )
i don't know which style is better ^^ please help me
I haved played around with the sheet effekts.
I'am pretty happy with the final hill.
Pleas say something
In addition to that, it's starting to look pretty good ... far better than at the beginning!
Nix für Ungut!
Mark Oliva
The Vintyri (TM) Project
The next "project" is redrawing the "Finsterwacht"-tower
i'm still working on the roof ^^