To Everyone Here... My Heartfelt Thanks...

I've been here a couple of months, now, and this is too long overdue...

I want to give my heartfelt, and sincerest THANK YOU to each and every member here at profantasy!

Ralf, you have the most amazing programs. I know I've just barely touched the tip of the iceberg with the maps I'm making with cc3+, and I know that I don't know enough yet to fully utilize these programs, but you have done a fantastic job in making a mapping program that is fun and exciting to use! The ability to give vision to my imagination is a tremendous treasure to me!

Remy, JimP, Vintyri, your programming knowledge, tutorials, guides and assistance while I learn this program has been priceless to me! Your patience is invaluable... and if I had any input in decision making at profantasy, I would put you three on the payroll and pay you handsomely for the services you provide!!!

Shessar, Tonnichiwa, Charles, Lorelei, your encouragement, suggestions, criticisms and innovative ideas are so encouraging and inspiring!!! Your maps are absolutely beautiful, and I always look forward to seeing the new maps you post....knowing they will inspire me in my own map making process. You have become great mentors to me, teaching me and showing me all of the little details that turn maps into works of art, and I have learned so much about making maps in general, because of you.

Dkarr, Dogtag, kevbeck, Svaala, Gathar, Barliman, Farrin, sycrys, your kinds words and encouragement push me to keep going, keep trying on those times I get frustrated, and think about giving up. And when I'm not frustrated, you still push me with your encouragement.

I know there are others here that have helped me so far, whose names escape me at the moment, but this thank you is for all of you. What I'm trying to say, is that you all have become more than just contributors to mapmakers on these forums. To me, at least, you have all become friends that I look forward to interacting with. Your kind, positive attitudes have uplifted me, not just in mapmaking, but in general, and I thank God for each and every one of you!

As you may (or may not) know, I'm more than just a gamer... I'm also a writer, and a crafter... well, if I could, I would be crafting you each scarves, blankets, capes and cloaks and sending you all gifts of homemade fudge, home canned peach and strawberry preserves, and homemade from scratch baked bread for you all to enjoy during those cold winter(and spring) months.

Either that, or I would invite you all over for dinner and cook you a feast of fresh goose, tender roast beef, and all the trimmings!!!


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