Town Battlemap

Been awhile since I put anything up for discussion, working to refresh my meager proficiency with this software but starting with something I've not done yet and am not sure how to do.
I've recently followed some tutorials on youtube on how to export maps as battlemaps and that got me thinking I'd like to see some battlemaps in towns and populated areas. I've got a few simple questions that I'd like input on:
1. Should I use the Dungeon Designer tool and then switch to the City Designer objects to flesh it all out? Or the other way around?
2. Are there any lighting, shady, glowing, or blurring options anyone has to recommend for the town maps?
3. The Road Tool from City Designer doesn't seem to work at all while I'm working in Dungeon Maper. Should I just work the Floor tool instead for shaping roads?
4. What sort've backdrop should I start with? Dirt (Probably if a small town)? Cobblestone (maybe if a larger settlement)?
Any other advise would be great, it might sound like I'm answering some of my own questions here but these were just the most obvious solutions that came to my mind and would like to know if I'm overlooking something more simple or less obvious.


  • I actually created a couple of outdoor battle maps using city designer, I believe. They are forest battle maps. Of course, Shessar also built an outdoor battle map using dungeon designer, and she has a road going through hers...If you look here: you can see what she's done. My two battle maps are here :

    I guess what I'm trying to say, is you can probably make battle maps from all three products cc3, cd3 or dd3. It just depends on what you want. If you want an urban battle map, I don't see why you can't make it using either cd3 or dd3 and then just use what ever symbol sets get you what you want.

    Of course, I'm no expert by any stretch... which may or may not help. I don't know enough to know what 'can't' be done!
  • MonsenMonsen Administrator 🖼️ 81 images Cartographer
    A comment regarding item 3 on your list. Maps only have the fill styles defined based on the original template you used, so drawing tools from other styles/types will not work out of the box, you will need to import the fill styles first. The easiest way to do this is to use the draw -> insert file option to insert a map with the appropriate fill styles already defined into your map, then immediately after placing it, use undo to remove the inserted map. This will remove any traces of the map you inserted, but the fill styles will remain, allowing you to use the tools from that style properly.
    There are premade "fill style maps" ready for insertion from many styles under System\Fill Styles, but if your option isn't there, just make a new blank map of that style, and use that for insertion.
  • That might be the way to go, at the moment I'm primarily drawing it like a floor, which works I guess but I'm not getting a road vibe from what I'm drawing out. Another thought that occurred to me was to add a layer below the main background and fill it with cobblestone or some other stuff you'd see a road made of, then just erase some of it away where I want road + adding burr &/or fade.
  • If you did that, you could also add grade terrain fill on top in spots...the add an inner edge fade to let the cobblestones show through.
  • Ok, having trouble with that plan, how do I erase small segments of the layer/sheet. When I search those on the profantasy forum it just asks how to delete whole layer/sheet.
  • DogtagDogtag Moderator, Betatester Traveler
    edited March 2016
    You don't really erase the way you're thinking of, as you would in a paint program. There's a way to make holes in shapes, called multipoly (as in, multiple polygon) but that's far more complicated than you need. I suggest that, instead of erasing parts of the road, draw over the road with patches of the background you used (or even other terrain fills, such as dirt.

    Things to keep in mind if you do:
    • Be sure you do not select the same sheet for your new terrain patches as the background under the road. If you do then, as soon as you refresh the drawing, the new patches will seem to vanish. In reality, they'll move under the road with the rest of the items on that background sheet. You will have to put the terrain patches on the road sheet or, better, on a new sheet altogether.
    • If you put them on a new sheet, be sure the sheet is listed after the road sheet in your Sheets list. Stuff is drawn on the screen in the order sheets are listed (top sheet drawn first, bottom sheet drawn last).
    I hope that helps.

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