DD3 tutorial frustrations

Okay, here's the deal. I am trying to create my first dungeon map, using the DD3 essentials as a tutorial walk through. What I mean by that (just to be clear), I started at 'Your First Floorplan' and I'm reading each step, then going to cc3+ and doing each step as I read it. I'm at the point in the manual where I'm adding a cave to my dungeon... which I have done. And the manual is talking about editing the cave I just added.

Well, I just realized my cave portion has no walls... so I am trying to add walls. So I rightclicked on the cavetool, selected my cave wall, clicked on the edge of my cave, clicked e for edit, then T for trace.... because I want my walls to meet and run around my floor. Oh, I also turned off the snap, as the manual suggested. I selected my starting point for the trace, the right corner of my dungeon corridor that leads into the cave. I am now attempting to select my end portion, which should be the opposite corner of the same corridor, so that the trace goes all the way around my cave, and connects to both points of the corridor leading into it.

Here is the issue. My cursor is going somewhat haywire. It's no longer moving freely, and it keeps moving to different points that along my cave floor, slightly outside my cavefloor. It's almost as if the snap is still on, and is trying to snap to one of my grid squares, but I turned the snap off. Can someone explain what is happening, and how do I fix it so I can put walls around my cave floor? Here is my dungeon WIP


  • seycyrusseycyrus Traveler
    edited March 2016
    This is not the answer to your question, but as an alternate solution.

    1) Open up sheets. Select "floors". Hide everything else. Return to drawing.

    2) Right click on "copy" button. Select "copy to sheet". Select your cave floor. Do it. Select "walls" as your destination sheet.

    3) Open up sheets. Make "walls" your active sheet. Hide everything else. Return to drawing.

    4) Change properties button. Select cave floor (the one that is now on your "walls" sheet). Do it. Change width from 0 to a smaller value (say .1 meter, or 1 foot depending on your units). Select another fill style for the wall. Ok. The "floor" should now change to a "wall".

    5) Open up sheets. Unhide things. Return to drawing.

    Note: Make sure you know which sheet is your active sheet. It is easy to get mixed up, and end up losing your floor.

    EDIT: as a possible solution to your original question. It might have to do with your "attach" settings. Righ-click on the attach button on the lower right. Select "Nearest point ON". That might help things work.
  • I will give both a try, depending on what works :) thanks!
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