As a relative new user of both CC and this community, I am wondering how to cut maps. I have read the section in the Tome Of Ultimate Mapping and the article in the Annual Volume 8 on Cutting Maps and it all looks fairly OK in CC3, I type the command CUTMENUON and restart CC3 and as if by magic the Cut menu is in the menu bar. However, the map I wish to cut is drawn in CC3+ but when I type CUTMENUON in CC3+, the dialogue informs me it is on and will be available in my next session, so I restart CC3+ but I am unable to find the menu .. am I missing something? Any hints and tips most welcome and appreciated.
However, as a workaround until this is fixed, you can figure out whet the commands are in CC3 and then just type the command you want to use on the Command Line.
For example, in CC3 if you use the Cut>Select Inside>Box, then just hit escape, you will see on the Command Line that the command is CBOXSI. If you just type that into the CC3+ command line, it will work. It's a pain to have to figure out what all of the commands are, but it will work if you need it now.