Am I missing the fireplaces?
I've been using CC3 and CC3+ for several years now, on and off, and I have yet to any good fireplaces. I have DD3 and I'm having a great time working with the new furniture and stuff for making inns and houses but there aren't any good fireplaces. I'm being forced to use cobble flooring and lava for the fire to put something on the map.
So my question is, is there any good fireplaces in a community set or in a particular annual?
So my question is, is there any good fireplaces in a community set or in a particular annual?
1) Go onto the ProFantasy website and get Shessar's fireplaces (at present CC3 only):
a) Log In.
b) Click Downloads and Updates
c) Under Dungeon Designer 3, click the button where (5 files) is the entry.
d) Download Shessar's Fireplaces
2) Get the many fireplaces available from the Dundjinni forum.
a) Go to:
b) Click Search
c) Use "Fireplace" as your search word.
A large and varied collection is available there.
Quick question thou. I've never successfully imported images from something like Dundjinni. I could never seem to get rid of the background, so I quite trying a year ago or so. Any possible way you could give me a quick tutorial on how to do that?