[CC3] - Custom Origin possible?
I would like to use CC3 with screenshots taken from a game and the ingame coordinate-system. However, this system does not match with the 0,0 origin used in CC3. Is there a way to change the numbers of the origin (ie from 0.0 to 40,50) to reflect the actual coordinates?
I would like to use CC3 with screenshots taken from a game and the ingame coordinate-system. However, this system does not match with the 0,0 origin used in CC3. Is there a way to change the numbers of the origin (ie from 0.0 to 40,50) to reflect the actual coordinates?
Type "Origin" at the command prompt (without the quotes), press enter and then enter your new origin. You can type in a point, or click somewhere on the screen.
You can either type in the new point exactly on the command line, or you can click on it in the drawing.
Moving origin to 320,370 should accomplish what you are asking, unless you need to change the scale as well.
In this case, you can either scale the imported screenshot, using one of CC3's scale commands (SCALE or SCALEXY for example), or you can change the drawing units (File -> Drawing Properties -> drawing units)
Btw. I edited your post to change it to html mode, otherwise your quoting of DarrenHill don't show up properly.
Thanks for the edit.
Unless that works for you though, I am unsure if CC3 can do what you are asking.