Copy and paste kinda...

Well First Happy Holidays!

So it is the holiday season and I have some time off to make some maps.
A lot of my maps are modern or future based, was wondering after I complete say a 12 person barracks in and underground base, is there a away to copy it and use it in the future for other maps. Kinds like a saved default barrack room complete with beds and such? I would love to do this for a shower room, recreation room etc.
I have read about the clipboard but for the life of me can not get it to work…
Also is there a way to view what is on or in the clipboard?
I am sorry if this has its own thread, but reading through all of them is a bit daunting when you are kind of a newbie at CC3.


  • MonsenMonsen Administrator 🖼️ 81 images Cartographer
    As for viewing clipboard content, Microsoft used to distibute a clipboard viewer with windows, but I don't think that is available anymore.

    As for using the clipboard with CC3, make sure to always pay attention to the command line. The error most people do is that they never complete the copy to clipboard process. Usually they ignore the last step, which is defining the clipboard origin. (A feature which may seem strange in the beginning, but which is extremely important when you need to do precise positioning).

    Another alternative to using the clipboard is to strip out everything else from the drawing but the exact part you wish to reuse, and save that as a drawing, then use Draw -> Insert file to load and insert it whenever needed.
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