Changing House Settings for buildings already on map?

Hi - I'm a relative newbioe to CC3/CD3 but am making progress in using the application.
I'm working on a city map at present and there's one thing I'd appreciate advice on at the moment.
I've drawn several city blocks with the House option and with the House Setting of CD3 B Default.
Having looked at the result now, I'd like to change the House Setting for the buildings in these blocks, say to CD3 B Gothic Gray... is there an easy way to do this aopart from deleting the current buildings and starting over again? It would be useful to be abl;e to change the House Setting for one or more buildings, but I can't see an obvious way of doing it...

Your assistance would be appreciated.



  • MonsenMonsen Administrator 🖼️ 81 images Cartographer
    afaik, no.
    The house settings help draw the house, but they aren't part of the drawn building afterwards, and cannot be changed.
    You can explode the building and then change parts of it, like the fill style, but in most cases, it would be easier to just draw a new building.
  • Thanks for the response, Monsen.

    Pity about that. I guess I'll have to spend some time redrawing the buildings i question. I like the layout I produced and don't want to vary it - so.... "back to the drawingboard" as they say ;-)

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