Re sizing forest tool...

I just purchased CC3 and am still trying to figure out all it can do. One thing I have run into I can not figure out is re sizing of the decid forest tool. When I lay it down on the map the forest is far to big for the dimensions of the map. I need to make quit a large forest and this tool works best for me other than trying to re size it.

How so I resize to make it smaller?


  • MonsenMonsen Administrator 🖼️ 81 images Cartographer
    I assume you are referring to the size of the individual tree symbols here, since the size of the forest is whatever you make it? These follow the default symbol scale for the map. Simply select Drawing Propertis (or click the button) and set the default symbol scale in the dialog.
  • No, its called the Decid Forest Tool under the vegitation tab. It allows you to draw the pattern and when the pattern is completed it places the forest on the map, but it is allows the default size and I can not figure out how to make the forest smaller to match the dimensions of the map. The map I am creating is large so symbols need to be made smaller.
  • MonsenMonsen Administrator 🖼️ 81 images Cartographer
    Maybe I worded myself a bit unclear. When I speak of individual tree symbols, I talk about the ones placed by the forest tool. When the tool runs, it fills in the area you drew with tree symbols, and it is the scale of these symbols you want to change, right? If so, follow my instructions from above.
  • I follow you now. Yes these are the ones I want to change.
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