Black & white overland maps, software purchase questions

Hi all,

I'd like to create black and white overland maps in the style shown here:

To do this, is it accurate to say that I must purchase the base CC3 software ($44.95) and also one of the Annuals ($39.95)?

(Assuming this is the case, it's unclear to me if I need Annual #1 or #2 - the above page says "The Cartographer's Annual Vol 1" at the top, but clicking Buy Now shows a page with "The Cartographer’s Annual Vol 2" - which is it? Or is there a more recent bundle that includes this Annual content at a lower cost?)

My other question is, if I download/install CC3 on my system and the system dies or I otherwise need to transfer the license, am I able to do this with CC3?

Thank you!


  • DogtagDogtag Moderator, Betatester Traveler
    edited September 2015
    Hi mattfs5,

    Welcome to the ProFantasy forums!

    I'm a customer, not a ProFantasy employee, but I can tell you what I know.
    Posted By: mattfs5... is it accurate to say that I must purchase the base CC3 software ($44.95) and also one of the Annuals ($39.95)?
    Yes, that is accurate. The annuals are content add-ons to CC3. They do not contain the main mapping software themselves.
    Posted By: mattfs5(Assuming this is the case, it's unclear to me if I need Annual #1 or #2 - the above page says "The Cartographer's Annual Vol 1" at the top, but clicking Buy Now shows a page with "The Cartographer’s Annual Vol 2" - which is it? Or is there a more recent bundle that includes this Annual content at a lower cost?)
    The Overland B&W style you indicated is issue #20, which was part of Volume 2. I see that it says "Volume 1" on the page, but that's a typo.
    Posted By: mattfs5My other question is, if I download/install CC3 on my system and the system dies or I otherwise need to transfer the license, am I able to do this with CC3?
    I've never had any problem moving my ProFantasy software to a new hard drive. Download links for your purchased products and subscriptions (in the case of the Annual), as well as the product keys, are saved to your account on the ProFantasy website. Also, I seem to recall a link somewhere that will send you e-mail with all that information as well, if necessary. It's been a long time since my first purchase so I don't remember if you have to specifically register your software to keep your info on the site but someone from ProFantasy, or maybe another forum-goer who remembers better can confirm that.

    I know you'll want to jump right in to make your map, but I urge you to take the time to go through the tutorials in the Essentials booklet that comes with CC3. It will save you all kinds of time in the end, I promise. Besides, they're fun. Also, don't hesitate to pop on the forums with any questions you might have. CC3 has an awesome community.

    I hope that helped.

    Happy mapping!
  • Thanks Dogtag, that's an extremely helpful and welcoming response!
  • MonsenMonsen Administrator 🖼️ 51 images Cartographer
    edited September 2015
    Just to confirm what Dogtag said, transferring your license to a new computer is not a problem. Also note that the license allows you to install it at up to 3 computers simultaneously (unless you are using it commercially). And yes, you have to register the purchase to keep it on your registration page, but that is done through a simple button click on the order page. If you don't register, you can always get the details resent as Dogtag said.

    I just wanted to mention that CC3 does come with a built-in black & white style as well, so you may wish to check that out before buying the annual. (I still recommend getting all the annuals though, for the sheer value they provide)
  • Posted By: MonsenI just wanted to mention that CC3 does come with a built-in black & white style as well, so you may wish to check that out before buying the annual. (I still recommend getting all the annuals though, for the sheer value they provide)
    Thanks Monsen. Can you (or anyone) point me to any sample maps that show what can be done in B/W without the Annual? I really do like the style that the Annual provides, so likely will buy it anyway, but would be good to see a comparison upfront.
  • MonsenMonsen Administrator 🖼️ 51 images Cartographer
    Here is the sample map that comes with CC3.
  • edited September 2015
    That's not bad at all. I do think I prefer the Annual style, but maybe good to experiment with this first, and at least learn the app before purchasing add-ons. I'm definitely a fan of both old school and easily printable, and either of these appear to yield solid results. Thanks again!
  • Just to be sure that you have seen them (it's easy to miss some), there are other styles suited for B&W:
  • Here are the results of my first night's work. Pretty happy that I was able to get up and running with the software and do this much in only a few hours. I have yet to do much with rivers, roads, or text labels (and have not really been working in the proper order, but this cut is mostly for experimentation anyway).

    One thing that's escaping me is how I can easily "save" styles for reuse. For example, when I figure out the line, fill, and width for the roads I want, how do I retain those settings to easily make more roads of the same style? It seems like typically the app retains the previously used settings when I go back and forth between tools, but I imagine there's a formal way to do this.

    Also, does anyone have suggestions for the best ways/tools to do rivers and roads? Do the Annuals provide any additional fonts, or do I want to just collect/install those myself for use in my maps? (I have a decent number of D&D-ish fonts already.)

    Sorry for all the questions, and thanks again for the help!
  • MonsenMonsen Administrator 🖼️ 51 images Cartographer
    Posted By: mattfs5For example, when I figure out the line, fill, and width for the roads I want, how do I retain those settings to easily make more roads of the same style?
    You make a drawing tool with those settings. The user manual has a chapter on Drawing Tools, usage and creation.

    To do rivers/roads, I usually use the predefined drawing tools for these, perhaps tweak the tools a bit to fit what I need.

    A lot of the annuals provide additional fonts, but if you have a collection of nice fonts, by all means use them in your maps.
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