Set sized view selection

I have a continent scale map that is 3300x2550. Say I want to zoom in to exactly 1400x1000 section so I can trace into a new map that is 1400x1000, how would I do that?


  • MonsenMonsen Administrator 🖼️ 81 images Cartographer
    Now, your view window is probably not the exact same aspect ratio, so you will get some visible parts outside this section in the view window, but the way to do this is to type in coordinates manually, instead of clicking with the mouse when zooming.

    So, if you want the section of this size from the bottom left corner, just click the Zoom Window button. But instead of setting up the window with your mouse, when the prompt says zoom window:, simply type in 0,0 and hit enter. The prompt should then ask for Opposite Corner:. Now enter 1400,1000 and hit enter, and you should find yourself zoomed into that region. If you need to mark an area exactly for working with, I recommend just using the Box tool to draw a hollow rectangle outlining the area. When drawing the area, you can manually input coordinates the same way as with the zoom to place it 100% exact.
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