What order should I install the software?

Hi all,

I have just taken the step to download the whole shebang....

What order shouild I install the programmes?

Many thanks in advance


  • MonsenMonsen Administrator 🖼️ 51 images Cartographer
    edited July 2015
    1. CC3
    2. FT3
    3. All the a. add-ons, b. symbol sets, c. annuals and d. source maps. Note that some products (Dioramas, Perspectives, Source Maps) haven't been fully updated to CC3 versions, for these, make sure to download and install the compatibility update, and NOT the original CC Pro installer)
    4. Latest FT3 and CC3 patch

    If you wish to install CC3+ (Currently in early adopter, not all add-on are compatible yet)
    5. CC3+
    6. Any compatible addon (so far these are DD3, CD3, SS1 and SS4), make sure to download and install the CC3+ compatible version, not the original CC3 one.
    7. Latest CC3+ update (currently update 2)

    Note that the order isn't really that important, as long as you install the main program first, and the latest update at the very end
  • Congrats Grace,

    You have a lot of mapping to look forward to! Hope you'll share your stories.
  • Many thanks Monsen,

    That advice will be taken on board.

    Loking forward to starting mapping again- I previously had the software when it was suplied with a dungeons and dragons package... although that was many moons ago.

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