Newbi needing help

Hi there. Just like the topic says: yes I'm a noob. Was told this is a pretty good program and so far it is. Learned a lot by watching the tutorials on Only problems I have had is trying to resize my maps so I am able to use them in Maptools and to try to assist me with making 'homebrewed' ones for the first Adventure in Pathfinder. If anyone can talk/walk me through this I'd greatly appreciate it. I can be reached at on skype. Have a nice evening



  • seycyrusseycyrus Traveler
    I'd like to be able to see the responses and question your comment generates in this forum. It will probably help me out in many ways.

    How are you having trouble resizing your maps? What size does Maptool require?
  • I don't know anything about Map Tool, but if it is like other VTT's then you need to know how many pixels per some metric like 5 foot square or something you need for Map Tools. After that, pull out a calculator or use one of the programs on the computer like Calc or a spreadsheet program to figure out how many pixels your map needs to be (both across and down based on the maps size in those 5 foot squares or other dimension). So, say you have a 100 foot by 80 foot map and you need 75 pixels per 5 feet. you would calculate (100/5)*75=1500 pixels and then calculate (80/5)*75=1200 pixels. Then you need to save your map as a PNG or JPEG with those pixel dimensions. Your going to have to look up Map Tool's pixel recommendations or requirements, I've seen other VTT's recommend 50 or 100 pixels per 5 foot square or 2 meter square depending.
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