Importing World Wind/Google Earth maps to FT3


I've just purchased FT3 and I'm trying to import a high resolution map to there from Google Earth (I also have the same map in World Wind). I have the map in JPEG, DDS, DXF, PNG... The colors and altitudes are in high resolution and look similar to FT3 maps only more realistic. How can I import this map in a way that is translated to FT3? My hope is that since the color-to-elevation scheme is similar there will be a way of doing it. I'm attaching the map in a lower resolution so you can see what I'm talking about. I appreciate any help on this!


  • jslaytonjslayton Moderator, ProFantasy Mapmaker
    The map you showed doesn't have colors as elevation, so the color to elevation tool in FT won't be able to help you. You can import the map as an image overlay in FT.

    What are you hoping to do with the map in FT?
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