My first map with cc3+ (wuxia)
Here is a map I whipped up in an evening with cc3+. I found cc3+ to be a joy to work with. Very fast. I spent time creating, not waiting.
I used the new overland symbols with the asian building symbols found in another built in symbol set.
I could have really used some steep hill symbols lake that found in chinese silk paintings:
I used the new overland symbols with the asian building symbols found in another built in symbol set.
I could have really used some steep hill symbols lake that found in chinese silk paintings:
I should clarify this is my first map with cc3+ not cc3.
Thank you mateus090985.
I found a new method for myself that really speed sup mapping. I draw all the coasts, then print a couple of copies and pencil in various mountain ranges and hills and then rivers till I like the overall look. Then I go back to cc3+ and add it in.
This is a pretty rough map but as I name things in the game and add more things I'll be sure to add some more single trees as you suggest. I might add some blue dashed shipping lanes in the ocean.
I haven't found a banner that is graphically compatible. I'd like to put the world name on the map but it should be in a banner.
That's just what I'm doing with "My First Map." Now, if I could just find some time to work on it....