Anyone else disappointed with the new CD3+ catalog?
When the CC3+ upgrade came out with the new Mike Schley style, I was in heaven, but eagerly anticipating the CD3 upgrade to match it. In all honesty, the symbol catalogue that came with CD3+ is not anything like I expected. It seems very crudely drawn. I was seriously hoping for something to match the beautiful world map styles!
Is there an MS style catalog coming for CD3, or am I stuck?
Is there an MS style catalog coming for CD3, or am I stuck?
CC3Plus -> Symbols -> Cities -> CC3 with 2 symbol sets
CC3Plus -> Symbols -> Cities -> CD3 with
Bitmap A, 6 fsc files.
Bitmap B, 14 fsc files.
Vector Classic, 23 fsc files.
Vector Shaded, 23 fsc files.
House Styles, 43 fsc files.