First time mappers Fantasy continent
Hello I'm Ian and this is my first map making project using campaign cartographer 3. I'm mainly creating this thread so I can get feedback and assistance from more experienced site members so if you have any questions or feedback please post I'd be more than happy to answer them.
Here's the base land mass for the land of Amarrea.
Here's the base land mass for the land of Amarrea.
Some questions I have about CC3
How could I make the transition from desert to plans more gradual? Right now it seems too abrupt.
I'm not liking the dark forest's tree symbols I'd prefer to go for a more hand drawn 2d representation, but I'm not sure how to get it.
I can't seem to get the dark forests text to show up on when it's over the tree's it just sort of blends in.
To a gradual transition just add a "Edge Fade Inner" effect to the shhet where the terrains are. You will have to toy a bit with the values to see what looks better.
Now my two comments. First one is a simply question. Do you really want to put a desert in the coast? It is definily not impossible to occur but I, particuraly prefer to create an area where it seens that humity do not get there (or are not retained) and put my deserts there.
The second comment is about sheets. Are you already familiar with how sheets work in CC? It seens to me that your desert sheet is above the one that represent mountains. I would suggest to put mountains above terrains in general and to put each terrain in its own sheet, so you can toy more freely with the effects.
I've watched some youtube tutorials that touched on them, and I think you got the impression that the desert sheet is above the mountain sheet becouse it was drawn after the mountains were.
Any comments, criticisms or advice to give about the mountains? Something about it seems odd to me but I can't quite put my finger on it.
However if i might add, when working with sheets and their various elements, be sure to use the "hide" function. This makes selecting, viewing, arranging and modifying the elements easier.
Good luck and enjoy!
2. Try selecting each text and then move sheet to Text.
3. save your map. I save to a series of filenames so I can back up further than undo handles.
So I save to map01_0001, do some work, save as to map01_0002, etc.
4. You should be able to select the desert area, without selecting the rest of the map land mass. If it doesn't work on the ocean edge, try inland. Move it to a different sheet.
I typically put the main lands, like your green areas, on the Land sheet. Deserts on Land, features, and mountains on a terrain or Land, contours sheet.
What sheets do you have on your map ?
You may have to zip the file.
Add the lake sheet, and move it up past map border, text, and grid. No further than I have it shown above.
CC3/CC3+ draws the top sheet first, then on down the list.
I and others around here do this all the time, so I'll need to look at the fcw file to see what has happened.