There is a problem with the Wilbur site
Someone contacted me on my own site saying that the link in one of my tutorials to the Wilbur site ( ) was a dead link. I've tried to go there for a few days and it appears to still have a DNS entry but it times out every time I try to go there.
I realize this isn't exactly a profantasy issue, but I thought it was the most direct way of letting jslayton know.
I realize this isn't exactly a profantasy issue, but I thought it was the most direct way of letting jslayton know.
EDIT: He's got to be called something other than jslayton, because there isn't a jslayton on CG. I've just checked
Would you perchance be the J Slayton who's name was mentioned in one of the latest "Save or Die" podcasts?
Waldronate was a name I picked out nowhere to be a disposable e-mail account for use with a game design course that I took nigh on 20 year ago (I ended up teaching a lesson on graphics hardware during that course and then proceeded to get my own material wrong on a test because I accidentally drew an incorrect box on the board while I was teaching and the teacher put all of that on the test).
I did find out how to fix the problem.
You need to install Microsoft Visual C++ Redistributable for Visual Studio 2015 to run it.
The download page gives a 32 bit and 64 bit version so make sure you install the correct one.
Make sure you have this installed if you update to the 1.84.
After I installed it the program ran with no problems.
I have to admit, I initially thought your comment was spam, as it linked to a Russian video game video which didn't really seem to have much to do with Wilbut, but re-reading the thread I realized what you were doing here.
I assume that it is only the terrain itself that comes from Wilbur, you've done a lot of work int he Arma editor to add all the buildings, infrastructure and such to the map, but it is still cool.