Not that I know of. The only thing i know that gets close is to right-click on the catalog, which expands it across the entire drawing window, then use Print Screen to get a screenshot. If you have a high resolution display, you should be able to see most catalogs in their entirety on one screen using this method (I can see 312 symbols at once with my current resolution and settings, should be sufficient for most catalogs). Additionaly, you can access the catalog option to set the size shown here, and optionally, use the "Expand all Collections" option so you always see all the symbols.
FYI, the Symbols >> Create Catalog Thumbnail File command isn't directory-friendly (still haven't figured out where one of the files was created), but it works great if you are careful to specify the full path. Wish I knew about this function before ;-)
Additionaly, you can access the catalog option to set the size shown here, and optionally, use the "Expand all Collections" option so you always see all the symbols.
Use Draw >> Inset file to import the catalog into the symbol manager, then create the thumbnail file. Works like a charm.
1 File >> Open the symbol catalog (it's an fsc file)
2 Symbols >> Create Catalog Thumbnail File.