Cosmographer 3 Traveller sector import issue

Hi. I just got Cosmographer 3 -- especially for all the Traveller tasks that it will simplify and make look better.

However, I am having a problem. I went through the instructions in the essentials documentation to have Cosmographer create the Deneb sector. I save the blank sector map, and then choose Deneb (or any other) sector from the dialog and get a message that access to path to c://sys_traveller.scr is denied. Following the shows that the file sys_traveller.scr does not even exist in this location. How can I get this to start working on my system.

Second: Once I get this working--I have some of my own subsectors that I would love to get the program to map (better than my hand drawings). Is there a template of a script that I could fill in with my data and then have Cosmographer read it and create nice maps of my subsectors (i.e. not ones from



  • MonsenMonsen Administrator 🖼️ 81 images Cartographer
    Maybe reinstalling the Traveller sector import will help. You can dowload the installer for this from your registration page. You may also wish to try rerunning the latest update to CC3 if you haven't done so after installing COS3.
    Finally, make sure that you run CC3 with administrative privileges (Try right click and 'run as admin'), it might be a permission problem that causes this file not to be created properly.
    As for Importing your own data, I believe there was something about it on the forums here, but I can't remember right now.
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