Trouble with floor tiles.

First of all, I'm utterly new to CC3 (2 days new). The issue that I'm having is concerning wooden floor tiles. I'm trying to make a small map of a cabin (11"x16") with 1" grid blocks that will print to 2 pages of common 11"x8" printer paper. When I place the wooden (lets say Oak) floor, the entire cabin flooring is covered by 4 huge planks. How do I resize the boards so they look more appropriate to this small cabin?



  • left click FS (top right corner on screen)
    Choose bitmap tab.
    Choose bitmap fill you are looking to change (the wooden one in this case)
    Make sure "scaled" is checked.
    change height and width (same number for both, choose smaller value) until it achieves the look you want.

    Keep in mind this will only change fill properties for that bitmap only on this one map only.
    Welcome to CC3!
  • Thank you, Mutant. Works perfectly.
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