Can someone explain something to me? (Traveller)
I think this might actually be right up Jim P's alley, but anyone else offering insight would be appreciated as well. So is there a specific format that one needs to follow in order to map out Traveller star ships? Is there a specific drawing style as well? If so where would I find these specifics online?
But the is a traditional style. I assume that you have Cosmographer, look in CC3/examples/cosmographer for "Cos3 Traveller Marava Class Far Trader" It is a good example of the style.
For non CC3 examples go to CoTI ( in their files section are many examples of deck plans.
Yes I do have everything for CC3 and saw the styles in there, but was just curious at to how much leeway one has when modeling these maps.
Maybe an outer hull is somewhat standardized. But other than putting the engines in the stern, and sensors in the bow, no standards for interiors.