How to delete maps?

This might be a wierd question but I can't figure it out. I've been fooling around trying out the various styles of maps to see what's available. This means I have a bunch of scraps of various styles saved. I wanted to clean them off the computer but I can't find them. I don't see a delete option in CC3 and if I try to find them in a folder I can't see them. A couple are there but the majority aren't. I accidentally saved some in the wrong folders and would like to either move or delete but can't.

This also affects me trying ot email a friend with some examples of what I did. My email program can't find the maps either. Even doing a search of my computer doesn't turn anything up. Yet when I use CC3 they they are!

I imported a couple of pngs and the same thing happens with them. I can use them in CC3 but they aren't visible in any of my folders now. One of them didn't turn out right and I wanted to delete it and try again.


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