This has been asked before but never answered straight up...

No offense to the answers to the three threads that I found while searching this, but the question asked was not exactly answered. I figured I would give it one more shot myself.

If I start a map with Annual 69 and draw some land masses. Then later I decide I want to change to annual 75, I know I can do that by the Drawing Properties under the File menu. However, if I try and change the fills for the land masses, I am only allowed to choose another annual 69 fill. Annual 75 fills are not even a choice.

So the question then rolls back to: How do I change the map style after I have chosen one? The answer, if there is one, has to include a top down solution, fills, symbols, etc.



  • pdjpdj Traveler
    JSM - I think you're on a loser looking for a top-down solution to a non-hierarchical problem.

    As a "style" is the sum of a collection of independent features, it's reasonable that that's the way
    they have to be changed - independently.

    It's a pain, but you will find the Tome as helpful as ever.

  • MonsenMonsen Administrator 🖼️ 81 images Cartographer
    edited October 2013
    The Tome does indeed have much greater details about this topic, but in short, if you wish to change style, I recommend starting a map in the new style, then using a clipboard copy to copy the landmasses and other entities to the new style, then use the change commands to change the style of the entities (Change like Draw Style is very helpful here.) This procedure ensures that you have the appropriate fill styles available. Then use the symbol manager to replace old symbols with new ones.
    As I also stated in the Tome, changing map styles does take some work (especially if you convert a completed map) however. Nothing difficult about it though.
  • Ok fair enough. I will work on those methods. Thanks you two.
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