Cosmographer 3 - Measures and titles
Hello !
So I finally decided to go into Campaign Cartographer. I just bought it, and I spent the last few days only watching videos on Youtube about how to use the software. I think I understood how sheets and layer works. So, since now I have my so long awaited cartographer (already have some maps to do, my campaign is well started in its writing).,
I fire it up, and pick a Cosmographer 3 layout. I then chose a pre defined layout, and pick the very first one, for basic ship design. The one with blue borders, a scale on the bottom left, and a title on the top right. Brilliant ! As I saw on the videos ! No big deal, I know what to do... hey... but... wait... What is this ? (look heavily at the bottom left corner).
Hmmmm... My scale is in feet. Okayyyy no big deal... I search the help, and finish to find where to set my dimensions in meters, instead of feet. Great ! But... heuuuuu... Nope, still in feet. I do a refresh, you would never know... Hu... Nope... Dang... Let's delete it... Oups... huh... Nope, I can't delete it...
It's fine ! I will delete it later !
Let's head for the title. This one, I can't miss it. "Click here to name your ship". I click there, and ... YES, I have a box asking me for a name, which I enter... Then press the ok button. But wait... Now, I have a text near my cursor, moving with it, ready to be placed, with the name of the ship. BUT... Why didn't the previous one changed ? Why is it still "Click here to name your ship"...
So yeah, basically, I did nothing yet, but am struggling with two problems... Anyone could help in trying to explain me what's happening, and what I'm doing wrong ?
Many thanks for any clarification !
So I finally decided to go into Campaign Cartographer. I just bought it, and I spent the last few days only watching videos on Youtube about how to use the software. I think I understood how sheets and layer works. So, since now I have my so long awaited cartographer (already have some maps to do, my campaign is well started in its writing).,
I fire it up, and pick a Cosmographer 3 layout. I then chose a pre defined layout, and pick the very first one, for basic ship design. The one with blue borders, a scale on the bottom left, and a title on the top right. Brilliant ! As I saw on the videos ! No big deal, I know what to do... hey... but... wait... What is this ? (look heavily at the bottom left corner).
Hmmmm... My scale is in feet. Okayyyy no big deal... I search the help, and finish to find where to set my dimensions in meters, instead of feet. Great ! But... heuuuuu... Nope, still in feet. I do a refresh, you would never know... Hu... Nope... Dang... Let's delete it... Oups... huh... Nope, I can't delete it...
It's fine ! I will delete it later !
Let's head for the title. This one, I can't miss it. "Click here to name your ship". I click there, and ... YES, I have a box asking me for a name, which I enter... Then press the ok button. But wait... Now, I have a text near my cursor, moving with it, ready to be placed, with the name of the ship. BUT... Why didn't the previous one changed ? Why is it still "Click here to name your ship"...
So yeah, basically, I did nothing yet, but am struggling with two problems... Anyone could help in trying to explain me what's happening, and what I'm doing wrong ?
Many thanks for any clarification !
This is a simple macro in the template that does this. Why it forces you to place the text again, I don't know, but the existing text in the box will be erased. However, to ensure more responsive editing, CC3 doesn't always force a redraw, which means a white ghost of what was there before will remain until the next redraw (You'll notice this when you manually delete stuff as well, such as the scalebar). Since the old text used to be white, it looks like it is still there. Just use the mouse to place the edited text, and you should be fine.
As for the scale:
The scale bar is just an entity in the drawing. It is not really aware of the scale in the drawing in itself, and the text is not linked to the scale. So even if you change the scale to use meters, the scale bar won't magically update. The best way to change the text from feet to meters, is to first use the Explode command on the scale bar (this will break it down into individual entities), then use numeric edit on the text (note that text must be selected by clicking on the baseline).
I can't see why you shouldn't be able to delete the scale bar though. It will leave behind a white ghost as I mentioned above, but it should be deletable (The most common reasons for entities to not be deletable is that they are on a locked layer, but I checked the template you were referring to, and that didn't seem to be the case here).
For the ship making part : yes, totally right, I forgot to redraw ! It's an habit i will quickly have I guess.
For the scale, thanks for pointing me in the right direction. It now totally works (I still need some practice with the tools, but I learn fast. So, yes, exploding first (I click explode, and drag around the scale, then right click and do it, then making a numeric edit on the term "feet" totally allowed me to write meters (and even mètres in french) properly. After a quick redraw, it was allright.
So thanks a lot for the very fast answer ! It totally works now ! Time for mapping now