FT3 import files and CC3 - issues with sheets/layers

So, while I'm still playing around, trying to figure out the best way to export files so that I have what I want/need in CC3, I have finally started just playing around with things to try and better learn CC3 - and one of the things I was playing with last night was using the "Change Properties" button. However, whenever I used it, I noticed something very... odd. I thought an FT3 export placed different things on different sheets and layers as was appropriate based on what they were (so land stuff would be on the land sheet - but that isn't what seems to be the case. So, for example, I started by trying to change the color of all the higher altitude areas to one color (because I intend to put may symbols on top of it for actual mountains, and because I'd like to be able to apply some sheet effects (to do some blending/glow on the color and so forth). I select the areas I want, and click Do it, and the Change Properties box pops up. Map Border is the Layer that always shows up, and then the Sheet that shows up is Rivers. Obviously, neither of those are correct. So I am befuddled. I don't mind changing stuff, but to have to change everything because the export put everything on the wrong sheet/layer is going to be a pain in the ass.


  • MonsenMonsen Administrator 🖼️ 81 images Cartographer
    The values shown in the Change Properties dialog are not the sheet/layer of the selected entity, but rather the currently active sheet/layer in the program (check the status bar).
    While this may seem strange at first, it is actually quite helpful if you plan to change the properties of a lot of entities individually, as all you have to do is to set the proper setting first, then use change properties, and place the checkmark to change this property, without having to dig for the desired value in the drop-down each and every time.

    Use the LIST command to examine an entity to find out which properties it currently has.
  • Hmmm - I think part of the problem is that I'm still having trouble discerning what CC3 is seeing as an individual entity. But playing around with this list command might help me start to figure it out! Hmmmm - I'm not sure I understand how the "setting the proper setting and then being able to change everything works" yet because every time I selected something, the settings always reverted back to the exact same thing every time. I was up until 2am last night playing/testing/puttering. LOL
  • jslaytonjslayton Moderator, ProFantasy Mapmaker
    If you haven't done the tutorials that come with CC3, I really recommend putting in the time. It will go a long way toward helping you understand the product.
  • Heh - yes, I'd pretty much come to the same conclusion. I'd watched the awesome tutorial videos, but I agree, I need to make something simpler before I try and deal with the Map I made in FT3.
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