Mapping and Symbol help needed.

I'm trying to follow the Dungeon Designer 3 Booklet for creating geomorph dungeons. Sometimes I get it to work, and I see the three listed Geomorph selections. Other times, when I go back to start over, I don't know what happens, but I get a list of geomorph selections that are quite a bit larger than the 3 listed in the booklet. Like i need the list that includes Basic, dirt, and Flagstone. Yet I get a list with quite a few that are "filled geomorphs" with several different styles. What am I doing to cause this, and how can I get the one with only 3 selections to show up every time instead, and vice versa, just in case. Thanks in advance.


  • 7 days later
  • Hopefully someone can give me an answer on this small problem. Thanks still in advance.
  • pdjpdj Traveler
    Well, I'm just guessing, but perhaps when this happens it's because you've inadvertently clicked the
    "Symbol Style Toggle" button (the button with two little trees on it).

    To see the three geomorph options you want, the symbol style needs to be set to "DD3 Bitmap".
    To make sure it is, you can right-click the "Symbol Style Toggle" button and choose it from the list.

    Hope that helps

  • Yes, thank you pdj, As far as I know, I've not clicked that on purpose, maybe accidentally, or it somehow starts that way.. but nowt hat I know about that, It helps me very much. Thanks, again.
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