Replacing Symbols on existing map

Hi all. First time poster here, but I hope someone has some advice. First a brief explanation... I have a large (10000 km by 8000km) overland map created. Its a large continent stretching from the far north to near the equator. My plan was to create 4 for each season... with the customs symbols done for each season. For example, deciduous trees with colored leaves in the leaves in the winter. I have all the custom symbols done...that's not the problem. I started by creating the summer time map... and then attempted to start swapping out symbols for their fall counterparts. The problem is this...I don't want to swap all of the symbols at the same time, and some not at all. For instance...I don't want the deciduous trees near the equator to lose their leaves. The only way ive found to replace the symbols (Symbols>Symbol manager>replace) does every instance of that symbol on the entire map. Is it possible to just replace symbols in a specific area?


  • MonsenMonsen Administrator 🖼️ 81 images Cartographer
    AFAIK, no. You must either swap out all symbols of the same type (using the replace in the symbol manager), or you must manually replace them one by one by deleting the old symbols and placing a new one.
    It might be possible to write a macro to do the manual replacement in a specified area, but macros are a bit more of an advanced topic.

    Another way of handling this would have to make multiple identical version of each symbols. For example you could create northern_tree, middle_tree and equatorial_tree, all using the exact same symbol. But when you need to replace the trees with their winter version, you can use symbol manager to only replace the northern_tree symbol. Obviously, this solution required that you have done this before drawing the map, which is a bit late now.
  • Doh...that's what I was afraid of.
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