Advice For My Goals

Okay so I'll just post what I'm looking for and see what advice you can give me in ANY direction regarding it. I've purchased CC3, CD3, DD3, and FT3. Now, ideally I'm planning on learning and... *ahem* "mastering" all of these tools, but I don't need to worry as much about the Overland Mapping of CC3 or the world generation of FT3 in any immediate sense. What I AM planning on doing, is running a The Day After Ragnarok setting pretty soon. So I'm curious what steps people would recommend for CD3 and DD3 to create maps usable in this setting.

Setting Info:
Mechanically speaking, The Day After Ragnarok is Savage Worlds, which would mean 1" on a grid would equal 2 yards at full. How would I go about setting this up in DD3 (I'm having a little trouble conceptualizing the measurements as I'm used to dealing with pixels, and picas. any clarification/advice on this would be MOST appreciated)

Aesthetics - The Day After Ragnarok is set a few years after a semi-apocalyptic end to WW2 - Truman dropped a nuke on the World Serpent's head. Mostly what I need here is advice on where to dig up buildings, symbols, textures, etc. that would help instill that feel of 1948 america. concrete textures, symbols, Annuals with the best sets to look for, etc. would be most appreciated here.

Anything else you think I might find useful would be fantastic, especially web resources/communities akin to the Cartographer's Guild, and reading on urban design in and around the early 1900's into the 1950's, etc. :)


  • MonsenMonsen Administrator 🖼️ 81 images Cartographer
    If you haven't done so already, I would recommend you start by working your way through the manual (Make sure to grab the updated one available from your registration page). While the manual does focus on overland mapping, it does teach you all the fundamentals of CC3, which you will also need when working with DD3 and CD3.

    For the grid setup, remember that map units in CC3 is meant to represent the real-world distance on your maps, NOT the size on the printout. For dungeon/floorplan/battle maps, it is most common to have one map unit represent 1 foot, so since 2 yards is the same as 6 feet, I would probably go for grid with a 6.0 spacing. Later, when printing your map, all you have to do is to enter 1" for paper distance, and 6' for drawing distance in the print dialog, and CC3 will scale the printout correctly, having 6' in the map equal 1" on the paper.
  • Thank you Monsen, I greatly appreciate the advice. :) I'm also looking into literature/ other sites and communities with resources, as well - currently I've been perusing the dundjinni site and the cartographer's guild. Any other places people can suggest? Thanks for being so helpful guys!
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