World map - increasing "resolution" of fractal land masses?

Hi all, new to the world of CC3 as of last week... found some extra beer money in the budget. :)

Anyways, I'm doodling about on a world map for a completely made up fantasy-themed planet, not for a game, but to eventually print into a large canvas just for decoration. I've noticed that the fractal "resolution" isn't terribly high; land masses look jagged. Is this normal? Is there a way to increase the variation on the edges? Or is there a sheet effect for that (i haven't dabbled in those yet)?



  • I found it! If you go to the Advanced options for your land masses, then click the "options" button next to the draw style (fractal), you can then adjust the minimum and maximum lengths of each fractal line. Smaller lines = more intricate coastlines.
  • MonsenMonsen Administrator 🖼️ 81 images Cartographer
    You can also use the Fractalize command to add detail to a polygon already in the map.

    Beware of adding too much detail this way however. Too many nodes can cause major slowdown.
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