Splitting Rivers

Short background: CC2 Pro user; haven't used the software in ages; now learning CC3

Wish I were at home where I cod take screen captures, but I'm on the bus on my way to work...
I am wondering how one goes about splitting rivers in CC3. Used to do this easily enough in CC2. Used the Split icon/command (which looks very different in CC3), then I was able to adjust the width of he river as more tributaries joined it.
Haven't gotten the split to work on the rivers in CC3.
Don't desire to dele into macros and XPs yet.
Did I miss something basic?

Sorry for the noob question.




  • Lord, I dislike auto-correct. Try "could" instead of "cod." Less filling, but tastes great when used properly in a sentence.
  • MonsenMonsen Administrator 🖼️ 81 images Cartographer
    The split command works exactly the same way in CC3 as it did in CC2. If you can't get it to work, make sure that your river is a) a path (smooth or not) and b) not on a frozen layer.
  • Odd. I couldn't get the Split command to work at all the other day. I am following along with the CC3 Manual, but decided to try splitting the rivers right after I added them. The main river I created yesterday (using the default river command) could not be split. I experienced the same problem with two test rivers I created yesterday after work (using the River, Default). I then tried creating two paths using the drawing tools on the right side of the screen. I was able to split those two. (I checked and the sheets and all were identical between all of the rivers.) From then on, I was able to split any new river I created using the default river tool. Still had problems with the existing main river - on about every 10-15th try, the split tool worked on it.
    I started over this morning just to test it again and, so far, everything works fine.
    Who knows. I hope it's not buggy later on. Yes; I reapplied the latest service update at the end of all of the installations.

    Let's just hope this isn't buggy later on...
  • MonsenMonsen Administrator 🖼️ 81 images Cartographer
    Just one more note that sometimes can cause problems. Note that rivers are a line, and the proper way to select a line is by clicking on the centerline of the line, not the edge. If you try to select it by clicking on the edge, you will notice differing behavior based on zoom level (because when you zoom far out, the pick cursor becomes big enough to also hit the centerline even if you click on the edge, but if you are zoomed in, this doesn't happen, and the line doesn't get selected, resulting in the command appearing to not work)
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