Weird error/glitch

Okay, so after getting some help from Joachim to learn how to use some of the tools to make a map, I encountered another problem. For some reason, I can't get the wall for my third floor to stand out from the exterior floor beneath it. CC3 isn't keeping my wall on the layer or sheet for walls. It keeps moving it to another sheet. It hasn't done this with any of the other floors. the result is that I get a strange image. I'm attaching the file with an external copy of the wall so you can see how it should look compared to the result. I've tried closing out the program and opening it to see if it resolved the issue, but it hasn't.


  • Hi Richard. The problem you are seeing is caused when a png fill is stacked on top of itself. Every now and then, when pixiels match up exactly on top of each other they cause weird artifacts at certain zoom levels.

    What I do to fix this is create a second fill using the same png, but give it a slightly different scaling.

    1. Open your fill style properties; select the fill style that is causing a problem. (In this case, Cobble Bitmap).
    2. Select New; Name it Cobble Bitmap 2
    3. Select Find and navigate to the folder where the png is located. (In this case, if you have the standard install, it will be in Profantasy\CC3\Bitmaps\Tiles\Dungeon\CC3)
    4. Select the _vh version of the file. (In this case CobbleWall_vh.png)
    5. Set the scale to slightly larger. (The original is set to 10.000 x 10.000. I would change it to 10.01 x 10.01)
    6. Change the property of your wall to the New bitmap named Cobble Bitmap 2

    This has the effect of offsetting the pixels slightly but only changes the scale of the bitmap a fraction.
  • I'm not having much success with this technique. The file used for the floor is the _vh version. I've even tried using a scale of 10.0125 x 10.0125 to see if that would shift things enough and it doesn't seem to do much. Perhaps it would help if I use one of the other cobble bitmaps?
  • Posted By: Richard T. BalsleyCC3 isn't keeping my wall on the layer or sheet for walls
    Your walls are on the right sheet. As Shessar said, it's a problem caused by stacking fill styles and using effects.
    I noticed that especially the bevel effect seemed to respond badly when there is a bitmap fill style beneath. I tend to slightly alter the order of the sheets when possible and it sometimes work.
    I believe it is indeed a glitch and have no quick solution if the problem persist other than designing the floors so they don't overlap the walls.
  • I'm sorry this didn't work for you. It often depends on the fill you are using.

    One other thing you can try.

    1. Create a Sheet with no effects that sits just under your walls sheet.
    2. Do a Copy to Sheet of your walls to that sheet.
    3. Change the fill style of this new wall to Brush Pattern Solid and make it a color that is not in your regular walls (eg. purple, or bright green).

    This creates a mask between your floors and your walls.
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