Fractal Terrains: More Diverse Continents?
Does anyone know if its possible to generate a more earth like planet with FTp? I've been finding i've been getting a lot of really snake ones.. i've tried lowering the water level..ect. But they always end up being giants nakey contents that I have to try to disconnect in ways that seem natural..
Are there any more synthetic world 'methods' ?
See my attachmenet.. its still a tad snakey... but its not bad... can anyone help?
Does anyone know if its possible to generate a more earth like planet with FTp? I've been finding i've been getting a lot of really snake ones.. i've tried lowering the water level..ect. But they always end up being giants nakey contents that I have to try to disconnect in ways that seem natural..
Are there any more synthetic world 'methods' ?
See my attachmenet.. its still a tad snakey... but its not bad... can anyone help?
as shown there..
I take it back. The tutorial is good even if you already made your FT world. The section on Adjusting Climates is really helpful.
Despite being a FT user for about 2 years, I'm a noob in the forum and the whole community thing. Still, I did search the forum for a wish list, and despite having found a couple of references to it I didn't find a wish list proper. There isn't one, is it? I'd like to create one, unless the admins feel that the forum isn't the right place to it. But I also didn't manage to locate a place to start new topics. I suppose that's because my account is new and I'm on probation, so to speak, but in case it isn't can anyone explain to me how that's done? This forum software is kinda weird...
There isn't a specific wish list thread, so feel free to make a new tread with your suggestions.
To tell the truth, I tend to forget to turn prescale editing on, mostly because of that fiddly condition of the tool (a little? I'd say a lot). There's something else for my wishlist right there... but I guess I better add it to the thread I opened instead of here.